  Thursday - September 19th, 2024

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Sean Leary

Is Lincoln's Ghost A Pervert? Are Blues Musicians Oompa-Loompas? Find Out Those Answers And More...

Is Lincoln’s Ghost A Pervert? Are Blues Musicians Oompa-Loompas? Find Out Those Answers And More…

You’ve heard the expression, ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer. Well, ask several stupid questions, and get several stupider answers. Case in point: Q: Why aren’t the comedy shows telling more jokes about Joe Biden? A: The same reason there aren’t many jokes involving a turkey sandwich on white bread without mayonnaise because […]

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The Real Secret To Great Pictures: Buttcheeks

The Real Secret To Great Pictures: Buttcheeks

It’s that time of year again, and if you have kids in elementary school, you know exactly what I mean. School pictures time. That’s right, that time when you get your kids all dressed up and tidied up and get their hair looking perfect and their outfits looking spot on and send them to school, […]

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A Column That John David Will Absolutely Love

A Column That John David Will Absolutely Love

It’s an odd trend in entertainment and pop culture, but strangely, there are a lot of creative, imaginative and cool creators named John and David. Think about it. Think of all the popular and/or pop culturally influential Johns. John Lennon. John Lydon (aka Johnny Rotten). John Belushi. John Cusack. Johnny Depp. John Steinbeck. John Hiatt. […]

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Advice To A New Teenager

Advice To A New Teenager

It seems like only yesterday when I turned 13. I remember it distinctly, from my party with my friends to some of the gifts I most cherished (a Converse All-Stars Magic Johnson t-shirt, a Duran Duran album, and other things which would certainly date me as a child of the ’80s.) This week, my own […]

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