  Tuesday - March 18th, 2025

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Nine Inch Nails

Return To The Cornchip Days With DJ Shane Brown's Stage 2 Mix!

Return To The Cornchip Days With DJ Shane Brown’s Stage 2 Mix!

Remember the “cornchip” days? Recall those halcyon times of the ’80s when goth, new wave, synth pop, indie pop and other outlier music mixed with outsider status, skinny ties, funky haircuts, long coats and lots and lots of black? You wore black on the outside because black is how you felt on the inside, and […]

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For Waking Robots, Being Different Is the Only Way to Fit In

For Waking Robots, Being Different Is the Only Way to Fit In

Angi Chapman of Waking Robots, who will play at RIBCO in the District of Rock Island Friday night, says she wrote “Frost” while suffering an incredible fever, days later discovering the recording and hearing it as if for the first time. She remembers thinking that it sounded “hokey,” with its almost western saloon rhythm, but […]

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For Waking Robots, Being Different Is the Only Way to Fit In

For Waking Robots, Being Different Is the Only Way to Fit In

Angi Chapman says she wrote “Frost” while suffering an incredible fever, days later discovering the recording and hearing it as if for the first time. She remembers thinking that it sounded “hokey,” with its almost western saloon rhythm, but when she reluctantly presented the sparse demo to a trusted friend, their reaction was so positive […]

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