Doc Is Found Guilty… Of Loving Davenport’s Gunchies’ Pizza
So there I am driving home with my sausage pizza from Gunchies Davenport.
I’m jamming out to NWA rolling in my 2007 Honda Minivan, Pepto Bismol for my tummy ache that’s coming from my eventual encounter with too much pizza and dog treats for my husky Abrodog Lincoln, all in my reusable Hyvee bag #savetheearth sitting in the passenger seat.
I’m loving the new air freshener from Yankee Candle my wife picked out, Vanilla bean ahhhhhh that’s my jam.
The chorus starts playing and my extensive 90s gangsta rap lyrics knowledge takes over.
Let’s make something clear. I back the blue, I support law enforcement, however, when you’re in the middle of the first verses of a NWA song you keep rapping along.
However what I didn’t know, was that Quad-Cities finest law enforcement had pulled up alongside me.

What I’ve learned from this experience is Gunchies makes amazing pizza, the taste and sauce is out of this world.
I will be back.
I’ve also learned I can eat a whole medium pizza from Gunchies while getting tickets for failure to wear a seat belt, noise disturbance, burnt out break light, and 3 unpaid parking tickets.
Your friend incarcerated,