Beat the Cold: Escape Winter Today!
We can usually tell if we get an early and lasting snowfall or cold snap, that travel will increase in January or February. This year, due to the mild temps (until just recently) we noticed that there wasn’t the normal “mass exodus” to warmer climates by air. However, now that we’ve experienced the below freezing temps for the past few weeks, we know that travel to the warmer destinations, such as the Florida cities and Phoenix-Mesa on Allegiant, for instance, will be filled. Sometimes, people do wait until the bad weather hits and they finally will book and get out of town. It’s never too early to look ahead, however, to get the best price. It allows you to have enough advanced times to check on dates and airfares. You can also sign up for “airfare alerts” when airfares go on sale. See the airline websites for more information about their e-mail alerts.
Of course, we always recommend a travel agent to help you with your travel needs- especially, and most importantly, if you are traveling on a cruise, or packaged trip including flights, hotels, transportation (transfers) between the airport/hotels, cars, and even attractions. Travel agents have so much information at their fingertips and have the experience and know-how to look for the best deals and times, as well as the experience to help you if there are any bumps in your travel plans.
Destinations are endless from the QCIA- many with a nonstop, or 1-connection flight through a connecting hub airport. Airlines and cities served are:
American Eagle/Envoy to Chicago O’Hare and Dallas-Ft. Worth, Allegiant nonstop to Las Vegas, Orlando-Sanford, Phoenix-Mesa, St. Petersburg/Clearwater, and Punta Gorda/Ft. Myers (seasonal), Delta to Atlanta, Detroit, and Minneapolis-St. Paul, and United Express to Chicago O’Hare, Denver, and Washington DC (Dulles.) Allegiant flights not daily.
Keep in mind there are hundreds of domestic and international destinations available through these large connecting airports! We invite you to Escape Winter and plan a warm vacation, cruise, or resort package today!