  Tuesday - March 18th, 2025

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Women’s Spring Fling Craft Show Blossoming

Women’s Spring Fling Craft Show BlossomingWith so many opportunities available in independent consulting, direct sales and small businesses out there, sometimes it’s hard to try out all the great products our friends and family members feel so passionate about. Now you have the perfect opportunity to do just that!

QC Moms in Business (QCMiB) is hosting their Spring Fling Craft and Vendor Show at The Viking Club (1450 41st Street Moline) on Saturday, April 1. The show will go from 10am-2pm and admission is free! And, the first fifty women through the door will receive a Goody Bag!

The QCMiB Spring Fling Craft and Vendor Show will have two floors filled with over fifty awesome local crafters and small businesses. It is a perfect opportunity to check out some products from Jamberry, Norwex, LuLaRoe, Rodan + Fields, Tastefully Simple, Tupperware, Origami Owl, Pure Romance and so much more!

QC Moms in Business (QCMiB) is an organization that helps connect women in business. Whether you are an Independent Consultant with a direct sales company or small business owner who works from your home or store front, QCMiB is a great place to meet those who share your passion and struggles.

So, grab your girlfriends (or a very cooperative husband or boyfriend) and don’t miss this one of a kind craft and vendor show!

Women’s Spring Fling Craft Show Blossoming

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Tess Abney was born and raised in the Quad Cities. Her passion for writing and entertainment was apparent at a very young age. Whether it is sharing local events and businesses with readers or sharing her thoughts on life, she finds comfort in the way words can bring people together.

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