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Skellington Manor’s Haunted ‘Asylum’ Is Hellishly Fun

asylum-skellingtonThe parking lot was packed and the streets were lined with cars. Spooky places spook me. Skellington Manor in Rock Island has their Asylum this year and it is a terrifying place to be this time of year. Even standing in line for The Asylum haunt can be scary!  Upon entry, one can feel the vibes of Halloween running madly through the air.

They handed me an old address stamp card made of metal and sent me into the parlor. I remember thinking to myself, “This is alright.” Then some crazy sound shot off from behind me and scared me half to death! At that point, I just said a prayer for my soul and continued into the hall where they were waiting in line for the big scare.

Skellington Manor is not always terrifying. In fact, one can actually rent the place for events. Debbie Boatman was at the table wearing her nametag, so I asked her a few questions. She was more than happy to tell me how the building was originally built for the Masons. Nowadays, one can rent it for special occasions. The waiting room is actually a giant dance hall. She informed me that her husband was the maintenance man and to keep a lookout for him. I thanked her for her time and carried on.

The line was so long that I took a few moments to look at the merchandise. Many cool t-shirts and such were laid out on a table. There were about 150 people waiting in line already and more coming in steadily all the time.  As I was standing in like, a creepy guy dressed in an apron and carrying what seemed a bloody sledghammer approached me and gave me an uncomfortable stare. His name was Lenny. I told him he was an improvement on the guys I had been dating recently. I laughed to myself and made my way to the entrance.

I do not want to spoil the shocks that one will endure going through this layered house of maniacal darkness and nightmarish creatures. But if haunted houses are your thing, go check out this one! It is quite impressive and rather famous. Many moments of my walk through the terror of the halls of Skellington Manor (Insert thunderous explosion here!) made me fear for my life. You will have a great time!

In my very last moment in the building, I came across Debbie’s frightening maintenance man. He followed me out and shouted, “Don’t tell ’em I’m crazy!”

I laughed and quickly responded, “Too late! I’ve already met your wife!” Oh…and I feel compelled to warn you about the chainsaw psychotics as you are leaving!!! They know their roles. Walk through and get scared half to death on Friday and Saturday 7pm- Midnight and Sunday 7pm-10pm.

Skellington Manor-The Asylum : https://www.facebook.com/TerroratSkellingtonManor/
Book Skellington Manor for your event: https://www.facebook.com/SkellingtonManor/
420 18th St; Rock Island, IL 61201
(563) 344-9187.

Skellington Manor’s Haunted ‘Asylum’ Is Hellishly Fun

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Amanda Jo Payne read her first novel by age 5 and began writing plays and poetry at age 11, when she received her first typewriter from her mother. A love for putting words together pushed her into higher education and she obtained her Board of Trustees BA from Western Illinois University in 2008. As a mother of three and a grandmother of four, she spends most of her time reading and taking care of her family.

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