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Dig On This Cat, The Channel Cat

Dig On This Cat, The Channel CatIt’s officially time to jump aboard Quad Cities’ own Channel Cat Water Taxi! Whether you are looking for transportation across the Mighty Mississippi or recreational relaxation, the Channel Cat is the way to go!

The Rock Island County Metropolitan Mass Transit District (MetroLINK) proudly provides three seasonal open-air boats for a passenger ferry service like none other! The Channel Cat Water Taxis have four landing locations throughout the Quad Cities in both Iowa and Illinois. Those docks can be found at Riverbend Commons (2951 River Drive Moline), Isle of Capri Casino (17th St and Isle Parkway Bettendorf), Village of East Davenport (Lindsay Park, 2100 E River Dr Davenport) and John Deere Commons (1415 River Drive Moline).

Seven days a week from Memorial Day through Labor Day, the Channel Cat keeps a constant loop between the landing locations (weather and river levels permitting). The complete schedule can be found on their website at: https://www.gogreenmetro.com/342/Channel-Cat-Schedule. This means you have the option to either enjoy a continuous ride or make a day out of it by utilizing the shops and restaurants found at each stop.

Channel Cat fares are valid for the entire day when the tickets are purchased. Adult tickets are $8, children ages 2-10 are $4 and children under the age of 2 (accompanied by an adult) are free. Tickets can be purchased upon boarding (cash only), at Centre Station or on their new Channel Cat Mobile Ticketing application. Tickets purchased via the mobile ticketing application must be used within one year of purchase. The applications and more information can be found at: https://www.gogreenmetro.com/334/Channel-Cat-Mobile-Ticketing.

Check out the Channel Cat Facebook page for updates and deals at: https://www.facebook.com/qcchannelcat/.

Whether you are a first-timer or a repeat customer, do not miss out on a one of kind experience cruising the Mighty Mississippi on the Quad Cities’ Channel Cat Water Taxi!


Dig On This Cat, The Channel Cat

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Tess Abney was born and raised in the Quad Cities. Her passion for writing and entertainment was apparent at a very young age. Whether it is sharing local events and businesses with readers or sharing her thoughts on life, she finds comfort in the way words can bring people together.

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