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Learn About ‘Fantastic Beasts,’ Mythological Creatures And More At Spellbound

Learn About ‘Fantastic Beasts,’ Mythological Creatures And More At SpellboundIn the genre of fantasy and enwrapped in the mysteries of our world’s history, there have been mentioning’s of creatures that are not on Earth today. Spanning from Unicorns to Leviathans “mythical” creatures have filled the stories of our childhood and enchanted and thrilled us to imagine and seek the unknown. There is even a science pertaining to researching mythical creatures known as Cryptozoology.

On Saturday, Dec.17, 2016 the gift shop known as Spellbound will be holding a class titled “Mythical Creatures.” The cost is $5 at the door or you can register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mythical-creatures-5-at-the-door-tickets-27248428784

Do note that seats are limited. The class is from 11:00 a.m. till 12:00 p.m. and the address for Spellbound is 1700 2nd Avenue Suite 2 Rock Island, IL 61201.You can visit Spellbound’s website at http://spellboundqc.com/

In the class, you will learn about these creatures, their biology, history, and cultural significance throughout the North and South American continents. Past classes at Spellbound have included: The Basics of Dungeons & Dragons, Smudging/Cleansing/Spirits, Pagans 101, Tarot Cards, Meditation/Guided Visualization, Color & Stone Chakra Therapy, Nature Spirituality, Divination, Candles & Candle Color Magick, Palmistry, Soap Making, Deities of the Pantheons, Signs and Spells, and Basics of Astronomy.

Spellbound holds its business hours every Tuesday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. till 5:30 p.m. They sell a number of New Age items and gifts such as jewelry, crystals, books, incense and herbs, dragons, candles, fairies, figurines, wind chimes, and many other items. They also feature a number of local art when they have space that includes music, paintings, and photography.

Learn About ‘Fantastic Beasts,’ Mythological Creatures And More At Spellbound

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Cheyanne Lencioni is a student at Augustana College and has been writing stories for 8 years. She is on the college’s Equestrian Team and Fencing Club as well as a member of Augustana’s Collegia Classica Classics Language group and wants to be a published Author after graduation.

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