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10 Fun Things To Do Week of June 14th: Paint Parties, Live Music, Craft Fairs and MORE!

QuadCities.com proudly presents Fun10, a list of the top 10 things to do in the Quad Cities this week, and every week! Every Sunday, we’ll drop a new FUN10, to give you a head start on your week and a heads up on what’s going on over the coming seven days. Check out FUN10 every Sunday for the details on ten awesome events happening around town. It’s a cool read, and a great way to get started planning your entertainment for the week.10 Fun Things To Do Week of June 14th: Paint Parties, Live Music, Craft Fairs and MORE!

As the current health situation in our country continues to force the cancellation of so many regularly scheduled events in the Quad Cities, we are once again focusing this week’s edition of Fun10QC on fun entertainment you can enjoy in the safety of your own home or while practicing safe ‘social distancing’ as states begin the process of opening back up (with restrictions, of course).


FUN10 — ten ways for you to have fun in the Quad-Cities, this week and every week, running every Sunday, only on your site for fun, free, local entertainment, QuadCities.com!


So what’s on the FUN10 for this week? Read on …



Outdoor Biergarten Paint Party at Bierstube

Join Art With Kare at Bierstube (415 15th Street Moline) this Thursday Jun 18 from 7 – 9 p.m. for an Outdoor Biergarten Paint Party!

Tickets can be purchased on Eventbrite for $30. Seating is limited so get your tickets ASAP!! Preregistration is required. If you’d rather pay at the door that’s okay, but please still RSVP.

Participants will be staying in the recommended social distancing guidelines.

*Since the party is outside, there will be a rain date if the weather is bad.*


Nutrition at Noon: Meal Plan Like a Pro

Discover the best way to become and stay healthy through meal planning!

Join Hy-Vee Registered Dietitian Nina Struss, RD, LDN for a virtual informative and interactive class designed to build or enhance your meal planning skills to provide (mostly) healthy meals for you and your family.

Nutrition at Noon: Meal Plan Like a Pro takes place on Friday Jun 19 from 12 – 12:30 p.m.
All participants will receive guidance on how to create a successful meal plan that fits your family’s style and needs. Resources will be provided!

This class is free, but requires pre-registration to attend. We will be limiting the amount of registrations so make sure to sign up early!

To register, visit: http://milanhy-vee.eventbrite.com

All registered participants will receive an invitation for a private Zoom once registration is complete.
Questions or concerns about this class? Contact Hy-Vee Dietitian Nina at nstruss@hy-vee.com


Father’s Day Drive-By

Three local car clubs, Quad Cities Cruisers, Mississippi Valley Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America, and Quad City’s Vintage Rod Club join together this Friday Jun 19 for a Father’s Day Drive-By!

The groups will meet at the Rock Island High School parking lot at 1400 25th Ave in Rock Island at 1 p.m.

At 1:30, they will cruise to Friendship Manor on 21st Ave, and do a “drive-by” for the residents, families, staff, and guests. After, they will do another “drive-by” at Generations of Rock Island at 2545 24th St.

For more information, please visit https://www.facebook.com/events/288923488949762/.


Music on the Lawn Goes Virtual

Summer at Deere-Wiman House always means great performances at their Music on the Lawn concerts series.

This year, they’re still inviting Quad Cities daycare providers and local families to enjoy high energy, family-oriented concerts, but with a fresh twist to accommodate social distancing guidelines. We’re launching the Deere Family Homes YouTube Channel.

Use this link to view the concert: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_fE8Yu73pde2VPtzJ8tUQ.

On June 10th, the Butterworth Center and Deere-Wiman House welcomed their first featured musical guest, Amy Lowe. For an entire month, you can watch Amy perform—and even sing and dance along—as many times as you like! Enjoy Amy and her music June 10 through July 7.


Spring into The Spotlight: Craft Fair

Make plans to attend The Spotlight Event Center’s Craft Fair this weekend!

Spring into The Spotlight: Craft Fair takes place this Saturday Jun 20 at The Spotlight Event Center (1800 7th Avenue Moline). The fun kicks off at 10 a.m.

There will be up to 20 vendors, cash bar, and more! Free admission!
For more information, please visit https://www.facebook.com/events/797746257394104/.


Have Your Cake at The Tangled Wood

Make plans to stop out at The Tangled Wood (3636 Tanglewood Road Bettendorf) this Saturday Jun 20 for live music from Have Your Cake! The tunes will kick-off at 7 p.m.

From Have Your Cake on Facebook:

“Despite Covid, We are playing this show because it is a beautiful and large outdoor venue with plenty of room. The success of these kinds of activities is dependent on public safety. Please be mindful that many people are at risk of being severely affected and just because you may be healthy does not mean you’re not unwittingly exposing others.

The Tangled Wood has lots of outdoor seating and I’ve observed their staff are wearing protective gear in order to serve you outdoors to minimize the need to travel to the bar. It’s not a bad idea to bring your own chairs or blanket to sit on their spacious lawn as well.”

For more information, please visit https://www.facebook.com/events/1160220500977765/.


Kick-Off Summer at Fejervary Family Fun Day

Come rediscover Davenport Parks and Recreation’s Mother Goose Land at Fejervary Learning Center (1800 W 12th Street Davenport) this Saturday Jun 20 from 12 – 5 p.m. for Fejervary Family Fun Days’ Kick-Off to Summer!

Come enjoy family activities, nature crafts, and more! For free!

Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, there will be no petting zoo, bounce house or face painting.

Public health officials remind you to :
Stay home if you’re sick.
Practice social distancing.
Avoid touching surfaces.
Wash your hands with soap and water and / or use hand sanitizer frequently.

For more information, please visit https://www.facebook.com/events/1038805489852317/.


2020 Summer Ball Bash at Gunchies

Looking for some daytime fun this weekend?

Head to Gunchies (2905 Telegraph Rd. Davenport) this Saturday Jun 20 from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. for their 2020 Summer Ball Bash.

EVERYONE’S INVITED!!! Mad Hatter style Volleyball and Bags with a Horseshoe tournament on the side! Sign up for either one! $5 Pay-In.

There will be 6 rounds. Each round a different team will be drawn out of a hat! We will keep track of individual game points. The 2 people with the most individual points at the end of the 6 rounds wins the money!!

For more information, please visit https://www.facebook.com/events/1675573225930850/.


Fair Warning Rocking at the GypsyHighway

Are you ready to Rock & Roll?

Enjoy live music from Fair Warning at the GypsyHighway (2606 W Locust Street Davenport) this Saturday Jun 20 from 8:30 p.m. – 12:30 a.m.

Fair Warning brings an authentic rock ‘n’ roll experience that spans all of your favorites. They draw inspiration from Van Halen, Led Zeppelin, Guns ‘n’ Roses, and other legendary acts.
$5 Drink Purchase gets ya in. Come out and have some fun!

For more information, please visit https://www.facebook.com/events/3041882749232793/.


Father’s Day Music Cruise

Looking for the perfect Father’s Day activity? Join Riverboat Twilight for a relaxing music cruise.

Father’s Day Music Cruise will take place this Sunday Jun 21 from 3:30 – 6 p.m. aboard the Riverboat Twilight (N Front St. LeClaire) with special guest, Bobby Ray Bunch.

Bobby Ray Bunch has been entertaining audiences since 2008. After serving in the Air Force, he moved back to Iowa and has since been playing at bars, clubs, wineries, breweries and private parties. His set-list includes hits from Elvis, Johnny Cash and Tom Petty to Lynyrd Skynyrd, Pearl Jam and The Rolling Stones!

Ample indoor and outdoor seating and state of the art speaker system will allow passengers to spread out on all three decks while still enjoying the music. Cash bar is available on the third deck. Boarding time is 3:30. Cruise from 4pm to 6pm.

To purchase your tickets today, please visit https://riverboattwilight.starboardsuite.com/e/music-cruise-13437.



Stay tuned to QuadCities.com, your site for fun, free, local entertainment for upcoming events in our weekly column, FUN10, every Sunday!


10 Fun Things To Do Week of June 14th: Paint Parties, Live Music, Craft Fairs and MORE!

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Tess Abney was born and raised in the Quad Cities. Her passion for writing and entertainment was apparent at a very young age. Whether it is sharing local events and businesses with readers or sharing her thoughts on life, she finds comfort in the way words can bring people together.

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