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10 Fun Things To Do Week of April 26th: Escape Room, Dance Party, Plant Sale and MORE!

QuadCities.com proudly presents Fun10, a list of the top 10 things to do in the Quad Cities this week, and every week! Every Sunday, we’ll drop a new FUN10, to give you a head start on your week and a heads up on what’s going on over the coming seven days. Check out FUN10 every Sunday for the details on ten awesome events happening around town. It’s a cool read, and a great way to get started planning your entertainment for the week.10 Fun Things To Do Week of April 26th: Escape Room, Dance Party, Plant Sale and MORE!

As the current health situation in our country continues to force the cancellation of so many regularly scheduled events in the Quad Cities, we are once again focusing this week’s edition of Fun10QC on fun entertainment you can enjoy in the safety of your own home or while practicing safe ‘social distancing’. However, for the first time in over a month we finally have a real on-site event to share with you!

FUN10 — ten ways for you to have fun in the Quad-Cities, this week and every week, running every Sunday, only on your site for fun, free, local entertainment, QuadCities.com!


So what’s on the FUN10 for this week? Read on …



Spotlight Live Q&A with Jason Platt

Producing Director Brent Tubbs sits down (virtually) with Artist and Author Jason Platt for Spotlight Live Q&A this Monday Apr 27 at 1 p.m.

Jason, a middle grade graphic novelist, is a graduate of the Savannah College of Art and Design (in Savannah GA). He was accepted into the National Cartoonists Society in May 2015, and his first graphic novel, Middle School Misadventures, made national recommendations. His second novel, Middle School Misadventures: Operation Hat Heist! was just released on April 21st. He and his family live in Davenport with their cat who lets them live with her.

Join The Spotlight Theatre live on their Facebook page to ask questions!

Check out QC Uncut episode with Jason Platt, as he discusses his nationally released book “Middle School Misadventures”.


Escaping Oz Silvis Public Library

Join the Silvis Public Library for their very first Virtual Escape Room!

What would you do if a tornado swept you away from your home to a strange, unknown world full of flying monkeys, witches, and little people?

Experience Escaping Oz with the Silvis Public Library this Tuesday Apr 28 from 5 – 6 p.m. on Facebook Live.

Can you solve all the puzzles, navigate the Land of Oz, and find your way back home?

You know one thing for sure: you’re definitely not in Kansas anymore…


ONE Musicfest Hosts Netflix Party

ONE Musicfest is calling our community together to continue spreading our message of Unity Through Music! Quarantine can’t keep us from virtually vibing with our folks over movies!

Vote for the movie you’d like us to watch from the choices below. Voting ends on Thursday at 5 p.m.! We’ll send a link to the email you used to RSVP 30 minutes before the show!

Viewer Instructions:
• Download the Netflix Party extension for Google Chrome here: https://www.netflixparty.com/
• Click the watch link in the email from ONE Musicfest you receive on Thursday and click the red NP icon in the top of your browser to join the party!

*ONLY available on Chrome browsers on desktop or laptop computers. Does NOT work on cell phone browsers.

The voting booth is now open for this week’s movie selection! The theme this week is COMEDY! Vote for ONE of the choices below. Whichever one gets the most votes… we watch!
1. Dave Chapelle: Sticks & Stones
2. Eddie Murphy: Delirious
3. Katt Williams: Great America
4. Kevin Hart: Irresponsible
5. Chris Rock: Tamborine

Go to www.onewatchparty.eventbrite.com to vote!

See you at the Movies this Thursday at 7:30!


Q&A with Josh Feemster The Spotlight Theatre

Producing Director Brent Tubbs sits down (virtually) with Josh Feemster for Spotlight Live Q&A this Friday May 1 at 3 p.m.

Josh is the Associate Director of Access Hollywood and Access Daily at NBC. Josh has done everything from editing, live script writing, and directing with Access Hollywood.

Join The Spotlight Theatre live on their Facebook page to ask Josh questions!


The Friends of Vander Veer Plant Sale

Finding a bit of extra time while in isolation to work on the yard and looking to add to your collection? Feeling like some beautiful live plants would make an uplifting addition to your home?

The Friends of Vander Veer’s Plant Sale will take place this Friday May 1 through Sunday May 3 at Vander Veer Conservatory (215 W Central Park Davenport).

While the Plant Sale is go, social distancing measurers will be put into place. Eight people will be allowed to shop at one time. Each shopper will have their own cart and shopping times will be limited to 30 minutes. All shoppers are asked to WEAR MASKS!

A shopper sign-up link has been provided, to keep those distance measures in place. But hurry, because slots are filling up fast!


Hive Hangouts for High School Seniors with St. Ambrose University

Beyond the discomforting uncertainty of the moment, your future, filled with promise and possibility, still awaits.

St. Ambrose University hosts Hive Hangouts for High School Seniors this Friday May 1 at 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.

During St. Ambrose University’s Hive Hangouts, current SAU students and admissions staff will moderate Webex sessions where they’ll connect with fellow high school seniors!

Space is limited, register today! http://www.sau.edu/admissions/visit-sau/hive-hangouts.


Teen Tastic and Fantastic Friends Virtual Dance Party with GiGi’s Playhouse

Teen Tastic and Fantastic Friends will be meeting virtually for a LIVE Dance Party! RSVP to receive login information and more!

This group promotes friendship, social interactions, communication through a variety of social activities, outing, and games for teens. Recommended for all teens ages 13-17. Participants in Teen Tastic gain confidence, leadership skills, and empowerment while working as part of a team or on individual projects and tasks. If you, or your child, are looking for opportunities to socialize, practice your leadership skills, and be a part of amazing creative projects, then TeenTastic is the right group for you!

Teen Tastic supports the therapeutic-based development of individuals with Down syndrome. Our goals include achieving the following:
• social skills increase, with focus on group participation and increasing leisure activity options.
• language development increase, with focus on appropriateness, maintaining conversation and non-verbal social language.
• Increase gross motor skills, with focus on general health, fitness (strength and balance), and awareness of personal space.
• Increase fine motor skills & self-help skills through participation in various activities.

RSVPs are required. RSVP here by 12 p.m. the day of the event to let them know you are coming!

If you have any questions, please call (309) 762-7529 or email programsquadcities@gigisplayhouse.org.


Mo Carter LIVE Stream from Crawford Brew Works

CBW’s own Mo Carter is streaming once again into your homes, live from Crawford Brew Works on Saturday May 2 from 7 – 8:30 p.m.!

Pre-order your CBW beer from www.CrawfordCrowlers.com and get home for the 7 p.m. show.

While the stream is free, you can Venmo Mo (@mocarter74)

Please consider contributing to the CBW Server Tip Fund, for our team who have wholly/significantly lost income due to the COVID-19 pandemic at https://crawfordbrewworks.square.site/product/cbw-server-tip-fund/449?cs=true


Every Night Live-Stream with David G Smith

Join David G Smith this Sunday May 3 at 4 p.m. for Every Night Live-Stream at https://www.facebook.com/heydavemusic/.

This week’s show will feature SONG REQUESTS David didn’t get to last week including: Power of One, Fear & Where Is The Medicine. He’ll be mixing art with music by having Sharon’s ‘Power of One’ quilt on display! If you have other songs from his catalog you want to hear let David know and he’ll add them to his list!

This week’s SHOUT OUT goes to the Listening Room Network which is a collective of private house concert hosts and public venues across America and beyond that support live music. The wonderful people in this network are especially helpful to the touring musician who depends on them for their livelihood. Thank you and WELCOME!

Lastly, this series is incorporating a new segment called: COVER SONG OF THE WEEK! Along with a performance, it’ll include a little bit of the song’s history.

These shows are for YOU! If you like what you hear, please go to David’s website davidgsmithmusic.com and sign up for his newsletter if you aren’t on it already. Also, if you haven’t “liked” his Facebook Band Page yet please do if the spirit moves you.

Tune in for the Live show at https://www.facebook.com/heydavemusic/


Moline Public Schools Foundation Online Auction

As recommended by the CDC and Governor Pritzker, the Moline Public Schools foundation was obligated to cancel their 2020 “The Get Down” Fundraising Concert, which was originally scheduled to take place on Saturday Apr 18 at The Rust Belt.

Moline Public Schools Foundation strives to augment limited resources to allow the District’s students to achieve full potential. By engaging the community, the Foundation works to provide funding to teachers and students in the Moline-Coal Valley School District.

Instead, the foundation has decided to host an online fundraising initiative to directly support the Moline-Coal Valley School District this granting season. The E-Auction features items such as a One-Year Supply of Whitey’s Ice Cream, an American Girl Doll, a Wisconsin Weekend Getaway and so much more! More items are being added regularly and are posted on their Facebook Page.

The funds raised through this charity auction will directly contribute to the dollars they are able to grant to the Moline-Coal Valley School District this spring.

Bid, donate and share this platform with family and friends!



Stay tuned to QuadCities.com, your site for fun, free, local entertainment for upcoming events in our weekly column, FUN10, every Sunday!


10 Fun Things To Do Week of April 26th: Escape Room, Dance Party, Plant Sale and MORE!

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Tess Abney was born and raised in the Quad Cities. Her passion for writing and entertainment was apparent at a very young age. Whether it is sharing local events and businesses with readers or sharing her thoughts on life, she finds comfort in the way words can bring people together.

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