  Wednesday - December 18th, 2024

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Craig Lynn Cooper

Craig Lynn Cooper began working as a newspaper reporter at 17 years old. He was a newspaper reporter for nearly 35 years. He is a journalism graduate of Iowa State University. Craig wrote his first novel, Convergence of Events, in 2015. He wrote the political thriller Pink Revolution (2018) and a young readers book, Marcus and Magnificent Margo Farmers Market Dogs (2019). He also researched and authored a book about the Quad-City Mallards minor league hockey team (2000) and has contributed to three other non-fiction books. He now is senior communications specialist for Genesis Health System. Craig can be contacted at craiglynncooper@gmail.com

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Grateful Patient Makes Naming Gift To Honor Cardiologist Jon Robken, M.D.
Grateful Patient Makes Naming Gift To Honor Cardiologist Jon Robken, M.D.

On the same day hearts were being joined by marriage, one heart would be mended by two cardiologists attending the wedding. From their “shop talk,” call it “cath talk” if you will, Larry Co…

On the same day hear…

On the same day hearts were being joined by marriage, one heart would be mended by two cardiologists attending the wedding. From their “shop talk,” call it “cath talk” if you will, Larry Colo’s life was going to be extended. Sanjeev Puri, M.D. was discussing Colo’s difficult case with Jon Robken, M.D., at the wedding. They are colleagues with Cardiovascular Medicine, P.C. “I had a blockage in a tight corner of the heart. I have had heart trouble since 1982,’’ Colo explained. “Dr. Puri was describing what I needed and Dr. Robken said, ‘I do these a lot … when do…

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Quad-Cities Genesis Is An IBM Watson Health 15 Top Health System; But What Does It Mean for Patients?
Quad-Cities Genesis Is An IBM Watson Health 15 Top Health System; But What Does It Mean for Patients?

Genesis Health System has repeated on the IBM Watson Health 15 Top Health Systems list. No other Iowa health system has made the list even once. Of course, it’s nice to be recognized as one of th…

Genesis Health Syste…

Genesis Health System has repeated on the IBM Watson Health 15 Top Health Systems list. No other Iowa health system has made the list even once. Of course, it’s nice to be recognized as one of the top health systems in the U.S. We’re extremely proud of Genesis medical staff and all of our 5,000 employees for the contributions they make to the region’s health on a daily basis. But more important than our personal satisfaction is our confidence the recognition will be meaningful to Genesis patients. The recognition makes a difference. Here is what IBM Watson Health data demonstrat…

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