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Illinois And Iowa Chapter Of National Defense Industrial Association Hosting Contracting Symposium

Moline, IL/Vibrant Arena at The Mark/May 23rd-24 th , 2023: The Iowa-Illinois Chapter of the National Defense Industrial
Association (NDIA) is hosting the 14 th Annual Midwest Government Contracting Symposium. This event is focused on
linking you to valuable information and opportunities. This event will draw hundreds of professionals from across the
Country to the Quad Cities in order to learn more about working with the defense department and supply chain
operations with the Rock Island Arsenal. This year’s Symposium will focus on innovation, sustainment, and
modernization. This event will be held at the Vibrant Arena at the Mark in Moline, Illinois on May 23 rd and 24 th , 2023.
Registration for this event is underway and the sooner you register the better! Individuals who register before May 8 th
can save up to $50 on registration fees. Individuals may also pay to attend the event’s lunch for $20 and/or the
reception for $30. Registration can be completed through the NDIA IA-IL Chapter website at www.ndia-ia-il.org/events.

Illinois And Iowa Chapter Of National Defense Industrial Association Hosting Contracting Symposium
This website will also provide information regarding lodging options which must be booked before April 30 th in order to
obtain a room from our specially reserved sections. By registering for the Symposium, you will also be included in Speed
Connect! For this part of the conference, you will be able to meet with multiple Prime and Government Contractors one-
on-one. Participants of the Symposium will also have the exclusive opportunity to see the newly renovated Rock Island
Arsenal Museum before it is open to the public!
In addition to over 6,000 employees of the Rock Island Arsenal, there are thousands of other individuals and hundreds of
other businesses in the Quad Cities contracting with organizations on the Rock Island Arsenal. The Quad Cities provides
the third most industrially diverse area in the United States which makes this event invaluable to its attendees and
sponsors. The Symposium is one of the few times all of these groups gather together along with others from around the
Country to promote and advance this area.
About the Iowa/Illinois Chapter of National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA): The National Defense Industrial
Association is America's leading Defense Industry Association promoting National Security. It is a non-partisan, non-
profit association headquartered in Arlington, Virginia. The Iowa-Illinois Chapter was founded in 1945 as an arm of the
national association. Our area Chapter provides geographic coverage for Iowa and the western 1/3 of Illinois, furthering
the national objectives and policies. Our mission: Champion issues contributing to the strength, resiliency, and capacity
of the industrial base. Build a vigorous, responsive. and collaborative community in support of defense and national
security. Convene legal and ethical forums for an exchange of ideas, information, viewpoints, and capabilities.

Illinois And Iowa Chapter Of National Defense Industrial Association Hosting Contracting Symposium

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Sean Leary Director of Digital Media

Sean Leary is an author, director, artist, musician, producer and entrepreneur who has been writing professionally since debuting at age 11 in the pages of the Comics Buyers Guide. An honors graduate of the University of Southern California masters program, he has written over 50 books including the best-sellers The Arimathean, Every Number is Lucky to Someone and We Are All Characters.

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