What Quad-Cities Burger Place Has A Burger ‘Not For Youngsters?’
This is a grown man burger. This burger isn’t for you youngsters. This burger takes years of experience to really appreciate. This baby is thicccck. This burger has taste and hits all the notes those youthful burgers just can’t reach.
The cheese, smelty and perfect. The bun, it’s like biting into a pillow of heaven or kissing that girl at the end of the bar with a few extra curves. The meat, smashed, juicy and delicious, those ironically are the same words typed on the butt of that girl at the end of the bar. Man the late 90s were different. Where can you get this magical mouthful?
Armored Gardens, I’m sorry I waited 3 years to get my mouth around your meats. Maybe we can make this a thing?
Those waffle fries though…Chockfoolahs are okay, but yours make me want to commit sins, I’d say a few Hail Maria’s for another order.
