The Quad-Cities Taco Pizza Competition Continues With Maria’s Pizza Colona
My mother is a beautiful singer and musician. I wish I was half as good as her. Unfortunately my hands don’t work quite as well when trying to form the grip to strum a chord. My daughter is an amazing artist. I strive to be a good as her with any art I create.My son can skateboard down the street with ease. I can barely walk some days. All of them continually strive for perfection, and in my eyes they are there.
I will never find anything that I can perfect. I’ll never perfect a review. I’ll never write anything worthy of more than “good”. So tonight, as we end August. I wanted to leave you all with one last taco pizza review, before September begins. To say I’m conflicted is not even close.
Maria’s Pizza Colona has in essence broken me. With two bites of their Taco Pizza, one might say I had a religious experience. Let’s go to the scoreboard.

Chips: 20 Points. Crispy, Crunchy, TacoPizza’ey? These are the chips you dream about.
Sauce: 20 Points Taco meat mixed in with a tomato based sauce. Nothing over powering or overwhelming. This holds the city that was built on rock and roll together.
Toppings: 20 points Black Olives, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Cheddar Cheese, Chips. If this is a symphony written about tacos and pizza then it’s Bethovens 9th being played by a Mariachi Band with Pavarotti singing Maria in the back ground. Your bite begins with Taco and ends with Pizza and somewhere you get lost in the middle and hope to never have to return to reality.
Crust: 20 points. The flop test stood up like a testament to the Pyramids of Egypt. The test of time may not even bring this pizza down. The flavor stood back like a best supporting actor and played its roll flawlessly.
Overall: 19 points. What else can I say? Why only 19 you ask? I desperately wanted to find something even small and innocent to deduct a point for because I know perfection for a cook can end creativity. It can make them wake up in the morning not asking what can I do better? But wake saying I’m perfect why push the envelope.
Maria’s this was amazing, this was almost flawless. However there is just 1 small point off for something I may never tell you, because I want you to keep striving for perfection. Thank you for your effort, thank you for this food, thank you for representing the small town shops, and the family owned businesses. Thank you for being almost perfect, and I hope everyone understands I mean that in the most respectful and loving way. I truly look forward to my next order.
Score: 99 out of 100 points
Much love.
The Taco Pizza Tournament of Champions continues,
Out to eat with Leo