  Monday - September 16th, 2024

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Battle of the Bands Battles Miss The Point of the Bigger War

Everyone is up in arms about the outcome of last Friday’s 97X-Posure Battle of the Bands, held at Rascal’s in Moline, IL, but the majority of the loudest opinions falling on opposite sides of one another are debating the wrong point. Which is better: dogs or cats? Mustang or Corvette? Have your answer in mind? […]

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Every week should be shop small business week in the Q-C

Is it Shop Small Business Week? I never pay attention. Because for me, and thousands of other Quad-Citians, every week is shop small business week. And honestly, that should always be the case. Local businesses aren’t just the economic and entrepreneurial life blood of an area, they offer you a world of new adventures you’re […]

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For Waking Robots, Being Different Is the Only Way to Fit In

For Waking Robots, Being Different Is the Only Way to Fit In

Angi Chapman says she wrote “Frost” while suffering an incredible fever, days later discovering the recording and hearing it as if for the first time. She remembers thinking that it sounded “hokey,” with its almost western saloon rhythm, but when she reluctantly presented the sparse demo to a trusted friend, their reaction was so positive […]

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Blacklist is on the move for the summer!

Blacklist is on the move for the summer!

The premiere adult, uncensored, and unapologetic improv troupe in the Quad Cities, The Blacklist is taking their summer into their own hands! It was recently announced that the Backroom Comedy Theater which has been home to the “bad boys of improv” since January of 2015 will be closing for the summer season. However Blacklist fans […]

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Creative Living at its Best

When I was asked to be a contributing writer for www.QuadCities.com and create articles about art, I was elated and overwhelmed with the possibilities of topics. Art is such a broad and beautiful beast of tradition, progressiveness, creative conundrums and evolving expression. Would I talk about the benefits of art? That in itself is a […]

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Uncovering the comedy greatness in our backyard

When I was first asked to take on the job writing about the local comedy scene for Quadcities.com I knew immediately what my first article would have to be about. I wanted to look back at where I personally got my start in comedy but because nearly every opportunity to do comedy in the Quad […]

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Advice to my son is good advice to myself as well

My son Jackson turned eight this week. He is undeniably the best person I’ve ever had the honor of meeting, and I’m looking forward to experiencing the adventure of his life with him. And as that time goes by, he may ask me for the advice I’ve gained in my years before him. Which is […]

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Welcome to the wide, diverse world of the Quad-Cities music scene

I went through about a dozen different drafts for this first column, laying out my personal history in the Quad Cities music scene, in-depth retellings of experiences I’ve had in the past 16 years playing with every manner of musician, quantifying and qualifying all of the reasons why you, possible visiting music fan, should believe […]

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