  Monday - September 16th, 2024

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Nikki Quests To Catch ‘Em All In Pokemon Go

Nikki Quests To Catch ‘Em All In Pokemon Go

It’s a warm, slightly overcast day at 3 p.m. in July. As I’m walking circles around Vanderveer Park, I pause every moments to swipe my phone and pick up the items as they appear in bubbles on my screen. Those items? Three pokeballs, a potion, and a raspberry. And on I go with my afternoon […]

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Welcome To The New QuadCities.com!

Welcome To The New QuadCities.com!

Hello and welcome to the new QuadCities.com! We are so excited to share with you some of our new additions to the site, along with the new design and technology involved. I’ve been working with our Publisher, Steve Holmes and our Lead Developer, Trevor Bertucci, the past few months building up to the official debut […]

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Sean Leary

Some Films, Like ‘Animal House,’ Are Rites Of Passage

Some tribes in Africa require a boy to battle a wild beast. Some natives of South American jungles have their adolescent males endure painful rites of strength and endurance. And some groups indigenous to North America believe a boy must make a hallucinogenic journey to find his spirit guide and commune with the otherworld. Here […]

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Sean Leary’s Big Speech Ready To Roll Into The RNC

By now, I’m sure all of you have heard about the controversy surrounding Melania Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention, which, as countless memes and articles have pointed out, bears something of a more than passing resemblance to a Michelle Obama speech from some year that I don’t feel like Googling right now. But, […]

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If You’re Human, This Is The Column For You!

Welcome to the column for all carbon-based life-forms. If you breathe oxygen, this is for you. And if you live on a planet, especially Earth, well, then, you’ve come to the right place. Sorry, but I’m just following the new trend in advertising: casting as absurdly wide a net as possible. Products used to be […]

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Welcome To The World Of Geek Culture, Lesson One: ACen

Every year around mid-May, thousands of geek-culture lovers make the pilgrimage to Rosemont, Illinois to take part in Anime Central (ACen), the largest and longest-running anime convention in the Midwest. Anime, or Japanese animation, is widely popular in Western pop culture, particularly among teens and young adults, though anyone of any age can enjoy it […]

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Rhythm City’s New Venue Is A Huge Upgrade

I’m not a big casino guy. I can count on two hands the number of times I’ve gone to casinos to actually gamble, and every single one of those instances was at the insistence of one of my friends. That said, if you are a casino person, you’re going to love the new Rhythm City […]

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Cheers To Dr. Bob Murdock, You Will Be Greatly Missed

A man’s worth is determined by the number of people who feel more valuable for having been in his presence. And in this way, Bob Murdock was one of the richest men in the Quad-Cities. “Dr” Bob Murdock passed away late Sunday night and since then a large part of the Quad-Cities community has been […]

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