  Thursday - September 19th, 2024

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It’s Sad To See The Curtain Close On The Circus

It’s Sad To See The Curtain Close On The Circus

P.T. Barnum once said, “Nothing draws a crowd quite like a crowd.” Sadly, the circus can no longer draw a crowd. On Saturday night, Feld Entertainment announced that the famed Ringling Brothers-Barnum & Bailey Circus would shutter forever in May. And while this is a merely drop in the bucket of things truly affecting our […]

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Golden Globes Offered Worlds Of Entertainment

Golden Globes Offered Worlds Of Entertainment

By Tristan Tapscott The Golden Globes are well known for being, to quote Ricky Gervais, “a bit louder, a bit trashier, a bit drunker” and it typically lives up to the hype. This year? Not so much. The tone still had that air of who-the-fuck-cares but was low key, somber and all over the place. […]

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Taking A Bite Into Comic Book Vampires

Taking A Bite Into Comic Book Vampires

If you clicked on today’s article hoping to hear about Vampirella, Baron Blood, Morbius or Andrew Bennett then I’ve afraid I’m going to disappoint you. No, today’s article is about how the comic book industry is trying to bleed us dry of every penny they can get. First I want to talk about an indy […]

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For Waking Robots, Being Different Is the Only Way to Fit In

For Waking Robots, Being Different Is the Only Way to Fit In

Angi Chapman of Waking Robots, who will play at RIBCO in the District of Rock Island Friday night, says she wrote “Frost” while suffering an incredible fever, days later discovering the recording and hearing it as if for the first time. She remembers thinking that it sounded “hokey,” with its almost western saloon rhythm, but […]

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Farewell, Ellis Kell, You Were True Blue To The End

Farewell, Ellis Kell, You Were True Blue To The End

It sounds unrealistic and perhaps a bit cliché, but there are some people you can never imagine dying, because they’re so full of life. Ellis Kell was one of those people. The local music legend passed away from cancer early the morning of Dec. 16. It had been known for a while that Ellis was […]

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Sean Leary

It’s Time For A New! Improved! Rebooted! ‘Nutcracker’!

“The Nutcracker.” It’s been a holiday tradition since dinosaurs roamed the earth. Countless generations have grown up attending performances, millions of girls have pirouetted through its choreography and cajillions of people have walked away from its pomp and grandeur with one thought burning in their mind… “Okay, that was really well done, but what the […]

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How You Can Help Your Local Comic Shop

Given that the holiday season is upon us I want to talk about what we as fans can do to give back to our favorite hobby. I have three suggestions that will help your local comic shop serve you better and help them stay in business. First and most important: the Previews catalog is your […]

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Lateness Can Really Put A Cramp In A Comic’s Momentum

Lateness Can Really Put A Cramp In A Comic’s Momentum

The recent release of Peter Panzerfaust #24 and Bitch Planet #9 has got me thinking about the one sure fire thing, guaranteed to make me drop a comic from my pull list: lateness. I never dropped Peter Panzerfaust. I really like the book; which is the story of Peter Pan with the setting changed to […]

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Wayne Names His Midseason MVPs For Fantasy Football

Wayne Names His Midseason MVPs For Fantasy Football

Here are my Mid-Season Fantasy MVPs. In most fantasy leagues this is a list of top point earners. If you have any or all of these guys on your team, you’re probably sitting pretty right now. If not, well, it’s probably been a long season! Anyway, here are my picks: Quarterback Matt Ryan Honorable mentions  […]

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