  Thursday - September 19th, 2024

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Was Now The Right Time For ‘The Punisher’ To Hit TV?

Was Now The Right Time For ‘The Punisher’ To Hit TV?

Last month I read an article up on io9 titled “There’s Never Going to Be a ‘Right Time’ for The Punisher TV Series” (https://io9.gizmodo.com/theres-never-going-to-be-a-right-time-for-the-punisher-1819326835) and I wanted to address some issues I had. The core idea of the article I agree with; which is that given the level of gun violence in the United States […]

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Do ‘Twilight’ Vampires Stay At The Traveler Motel?

Do ‘Twilight’ Vampires Stay At The Traveler Motel?

I just got a friend request from a Hotel. The Super 8 in Moline. I approved the request, as I normally do approve requests from commercial entities seeking to pad their friend count (hey, I’m a businessman too, I know the game), and also because I thought it was funny that a hotel, particularly the […]

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It’s As If ‘Will And Grace’ Never Left

It’s As If ‘Will And Grace’ Never Left

As if we’ve never said goodbye… With a twist. When we last saw our beloved Will & Grace, their kids were grown up and marrying each other. Naturally a reboot was expected to stay on course and reveal what’s happened to everyone, right? Wrong. What is revealed in a hysterical game of Heads Up – […]

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A Tale Of Two Conventions

A Tale Of Two Conventions

On the last weekend of July I had my busiest weekend of the year. Saturday was the annual QC Planet Con at the Holiday Inn Rock Island, simultaneously in Iowa City was Anime Iowa. I attended both conventions that weekend. First up that weekend was the QC Planet Con. I’ve been involved with the QC […]

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Sean Leary

Do Ghosts Fart?

The following column is excerpted from Sean Leary’s upcoming humor book, Do Vampires Poop? And Other Incredibly Important Questions, available in bookstores worldwide in September. Ever walk into your house after you’ve been away, or walk into a room and notice a strange smell? Of course, once you do, you have to try to find […]

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Sean Leary

Will Bands Still Hold Daytrotter Deer Or Hoof It?

This week, the indie music world blew up with news that the band Deerhoof was aiming their horns and charging squarely at local and national music site Daytrotter. According to various sites and magazines, including Pitchfork and Spin, Deerhoof are ticked that Daytrotter released an LP of a session they did eight years ago. They […]

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Was Mighty Con A Mighty Show?

Was Mighty Con A Mighty Show?

It’s been a slow couple of weeks in the comic book industry, but that should be about to turn around. Summer is finally upon us, so convention season will start in earnest soon. San Diego Comic Con is a little more than a month away and with it all the major comic book news. Here […]

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Comics Are Great To Read, Free Or Not

Comics Are Great To Read, Free Or Not

Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) is traditionally held on the first Saturday in May, but various comics shops have mixed things up to get new readers into the fold. Regardless, it’s been a great idea. FCBD has its start with Joe Field, comic book retailer and columnist for the Comic Buyer’s Guide, a now defunct […]

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