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Visit Quad Cities Partners With River Music Experience To Create The Echo, A New Q-C Live Music Website

The Echo – at TheEchoQC.com – is a new online music publication that is partnering with Visit Quad Cities, the official destination management and marketing organization for the Q-C, to expand its digital platform experience and to continue to serve as an important community resource.

Visit Quad Cities Partners With River Music Experience To Create The Echo, A New Q-C Live Music Website

A sample of the shared music calendar between The Echo and Visit Quad Cities.

By implementing a shared online calendar, the two organizations are making it easier for Quad Citizens and visitors to find live music experiences in the region.

“Partnering with The Echo is another way to add depth and create value for the Quad-Cities regional destination,” said Dave Herrell, President and CEO, Visit Quad Cities. “Our vision is aligned with River Music Experience’s to community build, drive activation, and increase brand

Visit Quad Cities Partners With River Music Experience To Create The Echo, A New Q-C Live Music Website

A screen shot from the Resources page of TheEchoQC.com.

identity to develop a stronger Q-C product experience and place.

“Visit Quad Cities is the keeper of the community’s most comprehensive event calendar, so collaborating and integrating The Echo makes great sense,” he said.

The Echo is a new, digital music publication showcasing how music is an integral part of the cultural identity of the Quad-Cities. Using contributing writers from the Q-C area, the content

Visit Quad Cities Partners With River Music Experience To Create The Echo, A New Q-C Live Music Website

The logo for the new Echo live music website.

featured throughout this new publication will highlight events, artists, promoters, sound engineers, and more happening as part of the music scene in our community.

“We are very excited about the possibilities surrounding The Echo, especially the shared community calendar,” said Tyson Danner, executive director of River Music Experience (RME). ““Having an all-encompassing publication like this is going to be huge for our music scene and our community overall.”

The RME serves and supports the entire Q-C music scene through its music camps for youth, lessons, events aimed to engage the community with music, and the well-known Redstone Room, which hosts live music.

The Echo project is largely funded by the Regional Development Authority and the RME in an effort to make the Quad-Cities a more inclusive, vibrant region. For more information and to view the live music calendar, visit theEchoQC.com, or follow on social media @theEchoQC.


Visit Quad Cities Partners With River Music Experience To Create The Echo, A New Q-C Live Music Website

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Jonathan Turner has been covering the Quad-Cities arts scene for 25 years, first as a reporter with the Dispatch and Rock Island Argus, and then as a reporter with the Quad City Times. Jonathan is also an accomplished actor and musician who has been seen frequently on local theater stages, including the Bucktown Revue and Black Box Theatre.
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