  Tuesday - March 11th, 2025

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V.V. Lightbody Rocks Bishop Hill April 8

V.V. Lightbody is a veteran of the Chicago scene, emerging solo from previous projects Santah and Grandkids and often a touring member of Lala Lala and Devino Niño. Her music touches on chamber folk, bossa nova and indie rock and often features so many flutes. Lyrically, V.V. explores what sins she can live with: white lies, casual flirting, oversharing, the male gaze, uncontrollable lust, staying in, boredom, and feeling insatiably social. She has played with acts such as Jeff Tweedy, Whitney, Gia Margaret, Haley Heynderickx, Liz Cooper & the Stampede, Bedouine and Ohmme.

April 8 – 7pm – concert / 6pm potluck/social hour
$15-25 suggested donation
All ages, family-friendly

Learn more: https://www.vvlightbody.com/
Watch more: https://youtu.be/eQuBgjVOryc

“…blends guitar and flute with loungey vibes to craft an atmosphere that feels like the liminal space between a cocktail bar and a bedroom…bossa nova-esque sound, glittery guitar strums, light percussion, and her deceptively sweet delivery.” – Stereogum

““Car Alarm” finds the nap-rocker waking up. Using triplets of guitar strokes, Lightbody gives her songwriting a new punch in between familiar bursts of her finger-picking style.” – Paste Magazine

“Her voice is a captivating presence, tenderly cradled by patient, gossamer arrangements with overdubbed flute lines and harmony vocals that hark back to the prerock sound of the Andrews Sisters over lush sounds” – Chicago Reader


V.V. Lightbody Rocks Bishop Hill April 8

V.V. Lightbody Rocks Bishop Hill April 8

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Tristan Layne Tapscott has been dubbed the “Quad Cities’ P.T. Barnum” and although the person who initially said it meant it as an insult, he happily accepts the title.

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