  Wednesday - March 26th, 2025

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Tribute Bands Rock Schwiebert Park August 26

Some of the biggest Tribute Bands in the Midwest will converge at Schwiebert Park in Rock Island on August 26!

The Lineup includes:

Peephole, A System of a Down Tribute from Chicago.

DefNotes, A Tribute to Deftones from Des Moines.

Also from Chicago the Godsmack Tribute in VooDoo.

Superknot, a Black Sabbath Tribute from Cedar Rapids.

Rockford’s own Land of Linkin, a Tribute to Linkin Park.

Plus hometown Freaks WonkZilla’z Zombie Experience, a Tribute to the Iconic Rob Zombie and Legendary White Zombie.

Other performers include; Potential Spam, Got Your Six, the Comedy Troupe Holy Smokes and many others.

Learn more: IMPOSTERS

Tribute Bands Rock Schwiebert Park August 26

Tribute Bands Rock Schwiebert Park August 26

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Tristan Layne Tapscott has been dubbed the “Quad Cities’ P.T. Barnum” and although the person who initially said it meant it as an insult, he happily accepts the title.

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