Was Travis Scott Concert Tragedy A Blood Sacrifice To Satan, Or Something Far Worse?
I’m sure by now you’ve all heard about the Travis Scott Astroworld tragedy in which eight young people, one as young as 14, were killed, and hundreds of people, some as young as 10, were injured, at Scott’s Astroworld Music Festival in Houston on Nov. 5.
Concertgoers raged towards the stage during Scott’s set, exhorted by Scott, which isn’t unusual for a performer to do. However perhaps not especially wise given that more and more details are coming out about security people and festival organizers warning Scott against it. Lawsuits will undoubtedly be abundant, and have already started. Investigations by the police are underway. And of course there have been myriad stories about what happened, some especially wild and elaborate.
There’s a conspiracy theory going around on social media now that the horrible event was not only planned, but was all part of an elaborate satanic plot by Scott to hold a “live blood sacrifice” towards “satanic and Illuminati gods” as part of a secret ritual to gain him more fame and power.
According to these theories, Scott set up the show so that there would be too many people attending and then he exhorted the crowd to act wildly and push against each other with such ferocity that hundreds of people were injured and eight were killed. According to the theories, he did so, and did so in the desert, to unleash an ancient desert demon to give him power.
To prove these theories, they point out a variety of satanic and Illuminati symbolism in Scott’s show, his stage setup and his album and merch artwork. They point to flaming birds, demonic faces, all-seeing eyes, Illuminati symbols and the fact that the stage was set up as an upside down cross and its backdrop was meant to look like the gates of hell, or CERN, depending on what posts you see, with some of the posts saying that CERN itself is the gates of hell.
There are conflicting videos, some of which show Scott standing idly by as things were going nuts in the crowd, others which show him telling security to help people out. Both sides are using these videos to prove their point, that he either was or wasn’t conducting a satanic sacrificial ritual. There are literally hundreds, probably thousands, of videos and posts out there about the subject.
However, like most conspiracy theories, these elaborate plotlines overlook that, as usual, it was one thing that led to such a tragedy.

One of many TikTok videos pointing out Illuminati symbolism at the Scott concert.
One could argue it was satanic and evil, certainly, but in a far more banal way than some elaborate Illuminati ritual.
It was just plain greed and stupidity.
And that’s something to remember when it comes to most conspiracy theories and things of this nature.

Someone pointing out that Scott’s stage was shaped like an inverted cross leading to a hellish mountain portal.
The covid vaccine conspiracies, for example.
Create a virus, release it, create panic, have the cure in waiting so you can sell it to our government and

Yup, someone pointing out that a demon was spotted at the concert. Ignoring that it was a hologram that was part of the show. So, they’re actually partially accurate, but it was a fake demon.
others, so you can fatten your bottom lines and jerk off your shareholders.
And if you remember that, remember that if there are ever any conspiracies or shady things going on behind-the-scenes, it’s almost always about greed, always about the elites grabbing more money, you can

The entrance to the performance area, which many, many folks on social media are using as evidence to the “satanic ritual” theory.
avoid embarrassing things like spending an entire day in the rain at Dealey Plaza waiting for JFK Jr to show up.