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Heartfelt and Hard-Hitting ‘Broken’ Comes To QCTW

Heartfelt and Hard-Hitting ‘Broken’ Comes To QCTWQC Theatre Workshop has released their first production in their sixth season. Broken.

Broken, a screenplay written by Aaron Randolph III and directed by Tyson Danner, is a heartfelt and emotional look at human trafficking and how it affects those touched by it. Broken focuses on the life of a young woman whose first romance leads to a nightmarish world of confusion, desperation and violence. The production follows this young woman throughout several years and while it presents a serious undertone, there will be plenty of comedy, joy and hope.

Performances of Broken will continue through Sep 10. Shows are on Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 3 p.m. QC Theatre Workshop is located at 1730 Wilkes Ave Davenport. Parking is available in the parking lot on the north and west sides of the building, as well as Wilkes Ave. The entrance is located on the east side of the building, through the double blue doors.

The standard ticket pricing for productions is “Pay What It’s Worth”. You will see the show first, then pay afterward based on what the experience is worth to you, and what it’s worth to you to have this kind of live theatre in your community.

Half of the proceeds from the show will go directly to Braking Traffik, a local organization devoted to eradicating human trafficking in Iowa and Illinois.

Broken does contain adult language and may not be suitable for younger viewers.

This production is not one you want to miss. Past shows have quickly sold out, so go to https://www.qctheatreworkshop.org/reservations to make your reservations, today.


Heartfelt and Hard-Hitting ‘Broken’ Comes To QCTW

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Tess Abney was born and raised in the Quad Cities. Her passion for writing and entertainment was apparent at a very young age. Whether it is sharing local events and businesses with readers or sharing her thoughts on life, she finds comfort in the way words can bring people together.

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