The Video You Deserve: A Heartfelt Message To 2020…
So here we are, the LAST Video You Deserve of one of the worst years ever, 2020.
And we have a very special message and video for the year which can’t be over fast enough, that is, anticipating that 2021 will be better. (It HAS to be better, right? Right. C’mon now, fate, cut us some slack…)
Anyway, as we do every week, we know Mondays can be rough, so, every Monday, we give you a music video. A fun, funny music video. Something that’ll make you smile, make you laugh, make you reminisce, and make you realize that back in the day, music video creators were probably either insane or heavily intoxicated. But were also incredibly entertaining.
We call this feature, The Video You Deserve, and you can find it every Monday on your site for fun, free entertainment and features,
And today’s video is one which we dedicate to 2020, and which pretty much sums up our, and most people’s attitude towards this year. So, thanks for being a part of our year this past 12 months, and let’s look forward to the next 12 being a lot better! And as for 2020, well…
Presented without further ado…