  Monday - March 17th, 2025

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The Cruelest Cut: Chris Schlichting Meet, Greet, Autograph And Optional Worship Meetup Axed

Sometimes life really, really isn’t fair.

The Cruelest Cut: Chris Schlichting Meet, Greet, Autograph And Optional Worship Meetup AxedAccording to a post on Facebook, or, as Joe Biden calls it, “you know… that thing… that one thing with the people,” the Official Chris Schlichting Meet, Greet, Autograph And Optional Worship Session originally slated for March 28 at Buffalo Wild Wings, has been — are you sitting down, because you should be — canceled.

That’s right. First Uncle Rico’s planned appearance where he was going to throw a football not just over the Mississippi, but over the hill in Rock Island to an NFL scout standing in the parking lot of Dr. Gyros, was postponed, and now THIS!

I’m sorry.

You’ll have to wait for your chance to pay the bargain rate price of $100 for a picture and autograph of the legendary high school football star and comedian. According to Chris (can I call him Chris? I’m going to assume that familiarity…) on his Facebook page:

I’m assuming everyone already knew this, but I still wanted to make the official announcement…

Saturday’s event has been canceled.

My team is currently working on refunds. This was a sold out event so I ask that you give us a couple days. Please stop emailing me or the wonderful people at Buffalo Wild Wings on when this will be rescheduled. Everything is uncertain now.
Be safe out there!

For more information on the event being rescheduled, please click on QuadCities.com and refresh your screen every few minutes because you never know and you don’t want the tickets to sell out. Thank you.

The Cruelest Cut: Chris Schlichting Meet, Greet, Autograph And Optional Worship Meetup Axed

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Sean Leary Director of Digital Media

Sean Leary is an author, director, artist, musician, producer and entrepreneur who has been writing professionally since debuting at age 11 in the pages of the Comics Buyers Guide. An honors graduate of the University of Southern California masters program, he has written over 50 books including the best-sellers The Arimathean, Every Number is Lucky to Someone and We Are All Characters.

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