  Tuesday - March 18th, 2025

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Rock Island’s Karpeles Hosting Titanic Event Through April 16

Come on board for a Titanic Event Tuesday – Sunday, April 11 – 16 at Karpeles in Rock Island!

The Titanic started its maiden voyage on April 10, 1912 and sunk in the early morning of April 15.

Enjoy learning some interesting facts, receive a boarding pass of one of the passengers, see our document the Karpeles family owns by the Captain of the Carpathia and read his specific details of that fateful night. Get a tour of the museum and at the the end, you will receive either an obituary or a news article that gives details of your passenger.

It is free, although donations are accepted and appreciated!

This is an annual event.

Mark your calendar and bring a friend!


Rock Island's Karpeles Hosting Titanic Event Through April 16




Rock Island's Karpeles Hosting Titanic Event Through April 16

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