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Rock Island-Milan Schools All Going To Remote Learning Through Jan. 18

The Rock Island-Milan School District is going to Full Remote Learning through January 18, the district just announced.

The shift is due to the skyrocketing numbers of covid-19 in the area. The Quad-Cities is the seventh-highest hot spot for new covid cases in the United States.

District superintendent Dr. Reginald Lawrence II posted the following on the RIMSD 41 website Friday night:

Since our transition to blended learning on Oct. 19th, we have consciously followed the advice and recommendations of the national and local public health experts. The alarming rate at which the COVID-19 virus is spreading across the community is now impacting our district as the number of positive and/or quarantined staff and students continue to increase. After careful thought and consideration, the decision Rock Island-Milan Schools All Going To Remote Learning Through Jan. 18has been made to finish out the remainder of the second quarter and begin the first couple of weeks of the third quarter in Full Remote Learning.

Therefore, the school district will be using Monday, Nov. 16, and Tuesday, Nov. 17 as Remote Learning Planning days for staff to be ready to transition to Full Remote Learning on Wednesday, Nov. 18. Students will not report for Blended Learning or Remote Learning on Monday, Nov. 16 or Tuesday, Nov. 17. Students are to log on to Full Remote Learning on Wednesday, Nov. 18.

The remote learning plan will extend through Monday, January 18, 2021, to allow for a safe quarantine period due to expected travel and gatherings during the Winter Holiday and New Years Holiday season. All schools will return to blended learning on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, the day after the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday, pending it is safe to do so at that time.

This decision was not made lightly. The district took into full consideration the data from the Rock Island County Health Department and Illinois Department of Public Health. In order to keep students, staff, and families safe, it was determined that returning to Full Remote Learning was the best choice we could make given the skyrocketing COVID-19 cases that have surfaced in our buildings and are prevalent throughout the community.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s school if you have any questions. The buildings will still be accessible by phone and email, however, parents will have to make an appointment to visit. The school district will continue to have meal distribution, as usual, each day next week. Starting on November 23, the meal distribution will revert back to the Monday and Thursday 3-day meal kit schedule. More information will be shared next week.

Again, we thank you for your continued support and consideration during this challenging time. Please know that the safety of your children and our staff will always be our top priority.


Dr. Reginald Lawrence II

For full details, see the District website.



Rock Island-Milan Schools All Going To Remote Learning Through Jan. 18

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Sean Leary Director of Digital Media

Sean Leary is an author, director, artist, musician, producer and entrepreneur who has been writing professionally since debuting at age 11 in the pages of the Comics Buyers Guide. An honors graduate of the University of Southern California masters program, he has written over 50 books including the best-sellers The Arimathean, Every Number is Lucky to Someone and We Are All Characters.

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