REVIEW: Lock 14 Dam Good Salsa Is Hot, Doc Kaalberg Says
There are few things fresher in life than LOCK 14 Dam Good Salsa. For example.
1). Stepping out of the shower on a hot day, wrapping a towel around your waist, and then using the A/C vent in the bathroom to air dry your undercarriage.
2). The way the pores on your nose feel for 1 min and 48 seconds after ripping a Biore charcoal nose strip off your face, that you saw in your wife’s make up drawer, while air drying your undercarriage off over a A/C vent in the bathroom.
3). Stepping into the kitchen, to a fresh batch of Lock and Dam Good Salsa on the counter that’s been prepared by your wife for afternoon snacking , after taking a cold shower on a hot day, and having dried your undercarriage off using the A/C vent, and using your wife’s Biore nose straps.
Special thanks today to Amy S. at the Moline Hyvee for helping get our salsa and snacks for an impromptu back to school picnic.
Your friend in food,