Quad City Interfaith Breakfast Being Served Up
The Quad City Interfaith Breakfast will be serving up their 12th annual fundraising breakfast from 7 to 8:30 a.m. Thursday, at 3420 Jersey Ridge Rd, Davenport.
Two Options are available this year.
Option 1: We will have Drive thru pick up available from 7:00am to 8:30am at Edwards Church 3420 Jersey Ridge Rd. Davenport, IA 52807
Option 2: We will also offer deliveries. Delivery will be available from 7am to 10am. Please email amber@qcinterfaith.org to get on the delivery list.
This event will showcase out work as people of faith to transform our world and establish justice as you drive through.
Guest will be asked to make a charitable contribution to support Quad Cities Interfaith’s mission!