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Quad City Arts to grant $140,000 to local artists and organizations during 2022 Arts Dollars Grant cycle

Quad City Arts is pleased to announce Arts Dollars grants for the 2022 cycle. Applications are welcome from individual artists, K-12 schools, and non-profit organizations partnering with artists. All art forms are eligible. Since 1990, Quad City Arts has supported the local art community by awarding more than $1,000,000 in grants to local artists, non-profit organizations, and schools.

This year, Quad City Arts has received additional funding from a funder who wishes to remain anonymous to fund Visual Artist Grants. In total, Quad City Arts will grant $140,000 to local artists and organizations during this grant cycle. The application process is competitive, and applicants are encouraged to apply before the deadline. Quad City Arts staff are available to assist with the application process.

Quad City Arts to grant $140,000 to local artists and organizations during 2022 Arts Dollars Grant cycle


 NEW THIS YEAR – Visual Artist Grants supports visual artists who demonstrate exceptional creativity in the arts, innovation, and contribute to the vitality of the Quad City Region. Selected artists will be offered professional developed designed specifically for artists and be granted $5,000 where up to 20% can be allocated to artist salary.

 Project Grants support arts projects or programming that primarily emphasize community engagement. Individual artists may apply for up to $2,500. Non-profit organizations and schools may apply for up to $5,000.

 Education Grants support projects or programming that primarily provide opportunities in arts education for K-12 students. Individual artists may apply for up to $2,500. Non-profit organizations and schools may apply for up to $5,000.

Capacity-Building Grants fund activities that increase an organization’s overall capacity, organizational strength, and long-term community impact. Non-profit organizations may apply for up to $5,000.

Deadline for applications: January 31, 2022

Recipients will be notified no later than March 15, 2022.

Guidelines, category descriptions, and applications are available online:


View the story on our blog:

Funding for the 2022 Arts Dollars cycle is provided by the Hubbell-Waterman Foundation, the Illinois Arts Council Agency, a state agency, and an anonymous funder. All Quad City Arts programs are funded in part by Festival of Trees, individual donations, and operating grants from the Illinois Arts Council Agency, a state agency.


For more information or assistance with Arts Dollars applications, contact Kaleigh Trammell at ktrammell@quadcityarts.com or 309-793-1213 ext. 102.

Quad City Arts to grant $140,000 to local artists and organizations during 2022 Arts Dollars Grant cycle

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Sean Leary Director of Digital Media

Sean Leary is an author, director, artist, musician, producer and entrepreneur who has been writing professionally since debuting at age 11 in the pages of the Comics Buyers Guide. An honors graduate of the University of Southern California masters program, he has written over 50 books including the best-sellers The Arimathean, Every Number is Lucky to Someone and We Are All Characters.

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