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Quad-Cities Genesis Is An IBM Watson Health 15 Top Health System; But What Does It Mean for Patients?

Genesis Health System has repeated on the IBM Watson Health 15 Top Health Systems list. No other Iowa health system has made the list even once.

Of course, it’s nice to be recognized as one of the top health systems in the U.S. We’re extremely proud of Genesis medical staff and all of our 5,000 employees for the contributions they make to the region’s health on a daily basis.

Quad-Cities Genesis Is An IBM Watson Health 15 Top Health System; But What Does It Mean for Patients?But more important than our personal satisfaction is our confidence the recognition will be meaningful to Genesis patients.

The recognition makes a difference. Here is what IBM Watson Health data demonstrates about the benefits to patients of Top 15 Health Systems:

 SHORTER HOSPITAL STAYS – Patients of Top 15 Health Systems return home sooner. Winning health systems had a median average length of stay (ALOS) of 4.5 days, a half day shorter than non-winning peer health systems.

 FEWER COMPLICATIONS — Patients of Top 15 Health Systems have 10.5% fewer in-hospital complications than non-winning peer health system.

HIGHER SURVIVAL RATES – Top 15 Health Systems have 13% fewer in-hospital deaths than non-winning peer health systems.

 LESS WAITING — On average, patients of winning health systems waited 31 minutes less in the emergency department than patients of non-winning health systems.

FEWER READMISSIONS – Winning health systems had lower 30-day hospital-wide readmission rates than non-winning peer health systems.

FINANCIAL EFFICIENCY – Patients of winning health systems had 5% lower spending per Medicare beneficiary than non-winning peer health systems.

SATISFIED PATIENTS – Winning systems are ranked higher by patients than non-winning peer health systems. Patients of winning systems report an overall better experience than patients of non-winning peer health systems.

Of 324 U.S. health systems and 2,522 hospitals affiliated with those health systems, 15 earned Top 15 status based on publicly available data. The Top 15 health systems do not apply for selection and do not pay to be selected.

Quad-Cities Genesis Is An IBM Watson Health 15 Top Health System; But What Does It Mean for Patients?

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Craig Lynn Cooper began working as a newspaper reporter at 17 years old. He was a newspaper reporter for nearly 35 years. He is a journalism graduate of Iowa State University. Craig wrote his first novel, Convergence of Events, in 2015. He wrote the political thriller Pink Revolution (2018) and a young readers book, Marcus and Magnificent Margo Farmers Market Dogs (2019). He also researched and authored a book about the Quad-City Mallards minor league hockey team (2000) and has contributed to three other non-fiction books. He now is senior communications specialist for Genesis Health System. Craig can be contacted at craiglynncooper@gmail.com

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