  Saturday - March 15th, 2025

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Muddy Water Mayhem Presents Masquerade TONIGHT!

Join us for our year end celebration, Muddy Water Mayhem presents Masquerade on Saturday, December 17 at 9pm!

Muddy Water Mayhem Presents Masquerade TONIGHT!

Break out the lavish masks, gowns, costumes (or come in your fave fet ware!) and come out to see a menagerie of stage shows, music, dancing, and more! Join us for general admission of $15 ($20 at the door) or Full Ride $40 for full access to the Champagne Room (located upstairs this time) and The Lair (downstairs).

The event of the season!

Catch our featured performers:

Absassin & Eden Draconis
Dahlia Dutch
Britney Queers-Sin

See all your favorite GoGo Dancers: Draven DeMoan, Vander Venom, Ragnar Ironaxe, Sierra Black, Daisy Fontaine, Coco Cain, Rein Razer, Tyberious Rexx

Music provided by:

Alexander Audiophile (The Darkness Underground
Jason Mitchell (Power Productions)
The Psuedoreality (TrueLove Productions)

**This event is not affiliated with ToyMaker Music**

Muddy Water Mayhem Presents Masquerade TONIGHT!

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Tristan Layne Tapscott has been dubbed the “Quad Cities’ P.T. Barnum” and although the person who initially said it meant it as an insult, he happily accepts the title.

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