  Saturday - March 29th, 2025

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Meet Pookie, Our Pupper Of The Week!

Got a perfect pupper?

Meet Pookie, Our Pupper Of The Week!A great good boi?

A darn awesome doggo?

QuadCities.com wants to feature your dog in our new Pupper Of The Week feature!

Just send a picture of your pet with their name, your name, and a sentence or two about them and we’ll post their pic and story on QuadCities.com.

Message your doggo pics and info to Sean@QuadCities.com. And get ready to check out some cool doggos on your site for fun, free, local entertainment and features, QuadCities.com!

This week’s pupper is Pookie, the companion of Christy Hultgren.

Christy says about Pookie, “She’s a corgi. I got her from a breeder who didn’t want her anymore because she was sterile. When I brought her home she was terrified of everything: the radio, tv, running water, cars and people. Such a loving creature. In January 2018 I started getting sick, sometimes it came on quickly, other times not. She has been by my side every time, protecting me, knowing something was wrong. In August of last year I had surgery again because the tumor had come back. Pookie follows me everywhere and even insists on sleeping next to me. And there are times when I wake up to her lying on a pillow above me, licking my forehead. I’m still dealing with health issues; Transgeminal trophic syndrome, balance and coordination, etc. and she is still by my side. These days you can find me on the couch and Pookie is by my side or insists on lying on my lap providing comfort. Some people would say that Pookie is the lucky one to have a home like mine, I say I’m the lucky one.”

And here are some pics of Pookie:

Meet Pookie, Our Pupper Of The Week!

Meet Pookie, Our Pupper Of The Week!

Meet Pookie, Our Pupper Of The Week!

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Sean Leary Director of Digital Media

Sean Leary is an author, director, artist, musician, producer and entrepreneur who has been writing professionally since debuting at age 11 in the pages of the Comics Buyers Guide. An honors graduate of the University of Southern California masters program, he has written over 50 books including the best-sellers The Arimathean, Every Number is Lucky to Someone and We Are All Characters.

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