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Make it a “Celtic Night Out” Saturday With the Scottish American Society

The Scottish American Society of the Quad Cities presents a Celtic Night Out of music and culture on Saturday, July 17, from 6pm to 10pm at Make it a “Celtic Night Out” Saturday With the Scottish American Societythe Riverfront Grille, 4619 34th Street, Rock Island.

The event features appetizers by Riverfront Grille and live performances by the Quad Cities own bagpipe band, Black Hawk Pipes and Drums, along with the Barley House band, performing Irish, Scottish, and American music with Celtic roots.

Make it a “Celtic Night Out” Saturday With the Scottish American SocietyAdmission includes appetizers, a wee bit of haggis, and all entertainment. Cost is $25 at the door. Children 11 and under will be admitted free with a parent.

Since gathering restrictions cancelled the traditional Scottish-American celebration of Scottish poet Robert Burns birthday in January, the event is also a great opportunity to raise a glass to “the immortal memory” of Robert Burns as the poet laureate of Scotland. If you don’t know Burns, think again: he created Auld Lang Syne, Tam O’Shanter, and My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose, now commonplace in song and story. Neither a kilt or Scottish American Society membership is required to attend the event (though it’s a great excuse to pull out the tartan if you have such a thing!)

To RSVP and pay, use the Society’s PayPal option at https://url.emailprotection.link/?baGIN-TJv1CAPX_1Nh1JoCMioJGpraMbxTEhiNbXBRs1_A2nX88vSy20VgK3zOlZc1Arxeo2hUGRZMiENWn7nwg~~, or send a check payable to the Scottish American Society, PO Box 132, Moline, IL 61266.

For questions about reservations, contact marygbouljon@aol.com, or call 309-236-5328.

Make it a “Celtic Night Out” Saturday With the Scottish American Society

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Sean Leary Director of Digital Media

Sean Leary is an author, director, artist, musician, producer and entrepreneur who has been writing professionally since debuting at age 11 in the pages of the Comics Buyers Guide. An honors graduate of the University of Southern California masters program, he has written over 50 books including the best-sellers The Arimathean, Every Number is Lucky to Someone and We Are All Characters.

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