  Thursday - March 27th, 2025

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Looking For The Best Quad-Cities Instagram Hotspots? Our List Continues…

We continue our journey to find the best Instagram walls in the Quad City Area! Here are six more top spots to make your Instagram pop.

Looking For The Best Quad-Cities Instagram Hotspots? Our List Continues...

  1. Ike’s All American Cafe Burger Wall – 635 15th Ave – East Moline, Illinois. Dude… it’s a burger… on a wall! Need I say more?
  2. Cabana’s Sea Wall – 2120 4th Ave – Rock Island, Illinois – Located across an alley from the now vacant bar that was once Cabana’s (you cant miss the shark on the roof!), this 2 story wall of sea creatures is a one of a kind in the QCA.
  3. Freight House Wall – River Drive – Davenport, Iowa. There are 9 incredible panels to choose from on the street side of this historical building. 
  4. Music Notes Wall – Located at the corner of 4th and Pershing in Downtown Davenport, this wall is located under the train bridge and encapsulates everything the QC is all about.
  5. Sunshine Wall –  Corner of 8th Street and 5th Avenue – Moline, Illinois. The historic Floreciente neighborhood is home to this beautiful wall; you have driven by it several times and may have never noticed!
  6. Good Vibes Wall – DeSoto Pottery Studio – 2328 3rd Avenue – Rock Island, Illinois. At the end of 3rd Avenue sits this historic building and a wall you may have missed in yours travels. Walking around the side of the building reveals this stunning wall!

Looking For The Best Quad-Cities Instagram Hotspots? Our List Continues...Find them all and tag is in your photo! We would love to see your beautiful faces!

We will reveal more local hot spots next week!

Have a fantastic weekend! Happy Instagramming!

Until next time…




Looking For The Best Quad-Cities Instagram Hotspots? Our List Continues... Looking For The Best Quad-Cities Instagram Hotspots? Our List Continues... Looking For The Best Quad-Cities Instagram Hotspots? Our List Continues... Looking For The Best Quad-Cities Instagram Hotspots? Our List Continues... Looking For The Best Quad-Cities Instagram Hotspots? Our List Continues... Looking For The Best Quad-Cities Instagram Hotspots? Our List Continues... Looking For The Best Quad-Cities Instagram Hotspots? Our List Continues...

Looking For The Best Quad-Cities Instagram Hotspots? Our List Continues...

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Tristan Layne Tapscott has been dubbed the “Quad Cities’ P.T. Barnum” and although the person who initially said it meant it as an insult, he happily accepts the title.

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