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Looking For Lunch Ideas? Doc Digs In To The Delicious Dishes At The Pub In Milan

Looking For Lunch Ideas? Doc Digs In To The Delicious Dishes At The Pub In Milan

Doc Kaalberg


The Pub in Milan is to family reunions, what the cool Aunt is for family reunions.

Let me explain…

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of sitting down to a lunch at The Pub. A medium size bar that should be serving greasy wings and warm beer, has transformed itself into a lunch and dinner time staple for those of you seeking out the hidden gems. Cold tap beer flows and offers local favorites.

In fact that’s what I love the most, a local shop who strives to support local as well. You’ll find Boetjes mustard table top, and homemade favorites instead of frozen bag food ready for the fryer.

Looking For Lunch Ideas? Doc Digs In To The Delicious Dishes At The Pub In Milan

Reuben soup

We start off with a Reuben Soup.

This soup alone has me sold. Not hearing of its legend before now, tells me someone is trying to cover this place up like Roswell and the Kennedy assassination. Words can’t describe how great it is, but fair warning you have to show up early or you’ll miss out on this one.

My main dish the Jalapeno Popper Burger then graces my presence. A thick and juicy burger topped with Swiss cheese, bacon, a perfectly seasoned quarter-pound burger and of course some Jalapeno poppers underneath to kick you in the throat.

Looking For Lunch Ideas? Doc Digs In To The Delicious Dishes At The Pub In Milan

Jalapeno popper burger

I can’t emphasize enough, on the seasonings, Aunt Mel as I will affectionately call her, who took ownership of The Pub two years ago lets me know it’s a secret blend.

In fact a lot of homemade recipes and secret blends have taken over the 6-foot kitchen, where you can watch every meal made.

They say it takes 10,000 hours to master a job. I’m convinced the cooks have triple that under their aprons.

Homemade Coleslaw and baked beans are offered for sides and I am glad I get both because having to choose would break my heart.

The Pub is the cool Aunt at the family reunion and owner Mel is the sunglass wearing, motorcycle revving, rule breaker, innovator Aunt that’s bringing the best dishes to the party.

Your friend in food,


More awesome foodpics from The Pub:

Looking For Lunch Ideas? Doc Digs In To The Delicious Dishes At The Pub In Milan

Looking For Lunch Ideas? Doc Digs In To The Delicious Dishes At The Pub In Milan

Reuben soup

Looking For Lunch Ideas? Doc Digs In To The Delicious Dishes At The Pub In Milan

Jalapeno popper burger

Looking For Lunch Ideas? Doc Digs In To The Delicious Dishes At The Pub In Milan

Looking For Lunch Ideas? Doc Digs In To The Delicious Dishes At The Pub In Milan

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Doc Kaalberg is a local QC Native of 35 years. He has traveled the world, and found himself at home here. He served with the famed 1st Infantry Division as a Combat Medic and after being wounded in combat retired to Moline, Illinois. Doc spends his spare time blogging and writing food reviews for the local QC food scene.

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