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Iowa Quad-Cities’ Figge, Family Museum, GAHC, Putnam, Looking To Opening To Public

Following Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds’ lifting of restrictions for public openings this week, the Figge Art Museum (225 W. 2nd S., Davenport) will reopen to the public on Tuesday, June 9 and to members-only on Saturday and Sunday, June 6 and 7.

Iowa Quad-Cities' Figge, Family Museum, GAHC, Putnam, Looking To Opening To PublicAdmission will be free in an effort to create a no-touch visitor experience and visitors will be required to reserve a time slot prior to their visit. New policies and procedures designed to keep the museum staff and visitors safe upon reopening will be shared soon, according to Figge marketing director Natalie Dunlop,

The Figge Cafe will remain closed in June.

Gov. Kim Reynolds announced Wednesday that Iowa movie theaters, museums, zoos and wedding-reception venues can reopen as of Friday, May 22, despite the hundreds of new Covid-19 cases being confirmed in the state every day.

The Republican governor also said that state campground restrooms, showers and cabins can reopen in time for this holiday weekend. Camping will be allowed for tents and all campers, but playgrounds, shelters and visitor centers will remain closed.

Reynolds said bars can reopen next week at 50-percent capacity. She also said summer school-sponsored activities such as softball and baseball can resume as of June 1.

Iowa has reported 16,170 cases of coronavirus, as of May 22, with 414 deaths caused by the virus. The numbers for Scott County are 323 confirmed cases and nine deaths. Neighboring Rock Island County in Illinois has seen a larger impact, with 652 Covid-19 cases, and 25 deaths.

The Figge plans to offer free admission through June, with required prior reservations at a specific time. Normally, museum admission costs $10 for adults
$6 seniors (60 and older), $6 for high-school and college students with ID, $4 children ages 4-12, free for children under age 4, and free to members.

Iowa Quad-Cities' Figge, Family Museum, GAHC, Putnam, Looking To Opening To PublicAs the museum prepares to reopen, you can visit the Figge’s Virtual Museum to stay connected with art and tours, kids and family activities, ways to learn and relax, and Museum Store offerings.

The German American Heritage Center, 712 W. 2nd St., Davenport, may also re-open in June, and will announce its plans around June 5, executive director Kelly Lao said Friday.

In extending its temporary closure until then, on May 14 the museum posted on gahc.org: “We undertake these efforts in hopes of slowing and reducing the impact of COVID-19. The recommendations and requirements for centers and museums like ours might change, so we may update or extend this plan at any time, including extending closure.

“Our staff will periodically be on site during the closure and we are working to help share our museum online and create educational information and programs for you to utilize during this time,” the site says.

Iowa Quad-Cities' Figge, Family Museum, GAHC, Putnam, Looking To Opening To PublicThe GAHC is still finalizing the safety parameters under which it will re-open, Lao said. It was not prepared to open May 22, as allowed by the governor, she noted.

You can explore the GAHC through the online virtual museum, as well as on social media through Facebook and Instagram.

The Putnam Museum & Science Center, 1717 W. 12th St., Davenport, will not re-open until late June at the earliest, president/CEO Rachael Mullins said Friday.

“We’re looking at doing facility updates. We’re using this time to plan for the future,” she said, noting they’re taking registration for summer camps. Those will be for 10 kids maximum in each camp, starting in July.

“We’re going to reopening with a new Putnam, a new feel for people,” Mullins said.

The Family Museum, 2900 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, is open as of Friday, May 22. Its hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday – Saturday, and noon to 5 p.m. Sunday.

“We have implemented important new guidelines to help ensure the health and safety of our staff and visitors,” says familymuseum.org. Up to 75 guests will be permitted in the museum at any given time. Guests are welcome to wears masks, but it is not required.

“The Family Museum has taken enhanced health and safety measures for you, our other patrons, and our employees,” the site says. “COVID-19 is a contagious disease with potentially severe consequences. An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. By visiting the Family Museum you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.”

The museum is encouraging social distancing as much as possible. Family Museum Staff will be cleaning parts of the gallery periodically throughout the day. Some areas may be closed for short periods of time to change out props and clean surfaces.

It advises visitors to wash your hands frequently, use hand sanitizer, and please stay home if you feel sick or have any symptoms such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath.

The Cinemark movie multiplex in Davenport remains closed and its website says it is working toward a mid-summer re-opening. For more information, visit cinemark.com/covid-19-update.

Iowa Quad-Cities' Figge, Family Museum, GAHC, Putnam, Looking To Opening To Public

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Jonathan Turner has been covering the Quad-Cities arts scene for 25 years, first as a reporter with the Dispatch and Rock Island Argus, and then as a reporter with the Quad City Times. Jonathan is also an accomplished actor and musician who has been seen frequently on local theater stages, including the Bucktown Revue and Black Box Theatre.
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