ICEtravaganza Offers Some Frigid Fun Today At Davenport’s Freight House
Icetravaganza cools off and freezes up today with its last day starting at 10 a.m. at the Freight House in downtown Davenport.
This family-friendly winter event is FREE to attend!
Sculptures lit with colorful LED lights each night from dusk to 10 p.m.
Family-friendly fun, outdoor winter event with hot cocoa and warming station
Beautiful ice carvings on display with the Theme: Art in Ice
Viewable at the Freight House or drive-through sculpture display on Beiderbecke Drive
Farmers’ Market vendors, as well as local beer and food available for purchase from Front Street Brewery & Taproom and Antonella’s Pizzeria II
Learn more:
Sculptures lit with colorful LED lights each night from dusk to 10 p.m.
Family-friendly fun, outdoor winter event with hot cocoa and warming station
Beautiful ice carvings on display with the Theme: Art in Ice
Viewable at the Freight House or drive-through sculpture display on Beiderbecke Drive
Farmers’ Market vendors, as well as local beer and food available for purchase from Front Street Brewery & Taproom and Antonella’s Pizzeria II
Learn more:
10 a.m. Event opens
10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Freight House Farmers Market indoor hours
4 – 5:30 p.m. The Family Credit Union warming station – free hot chocolate
10 p.m. Event closes and lights for carvings shut off
10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Freight House Farmers Market indoor hours
4 – 5:30 p.m. The Family Credit Union warming station – free hot chocolate
10 p.m. Event closes and lights for carvings shut off
Be sure to tag us in your posts! #IcestravaganzaQC #QCThatsWhere
