Hypocritical Politicians Should Free More Than Brittney Griner
Brittney Griner is free.
Of course, Griner never should’ve been imprisoned in the first place, thrown into jail for an offense that’s as ridiculous as it is minor in a country that has far greater things to address than minor cannabis possession.
But while this is a time for Griner and her loved ones to be celebrating, it’s also a time of incredible hypocrisy for the United States, and many of the politicians grandstanding about her release.
Before Joe Biden, Kamala Harris (whose horrible history with imprisoning pot offenders is well documented) or anyone in a position of power takes to social media to virtue signal about Brittney Griner yet again, they need to look in the mirror, and then actively use that power to help people here in the United States who are unjustly arrested, convicted and jailed for marijuana possession.
Despite the widespread usage and acceptance of marijuana, as well as its legalization in parts of the country, marijuana arrests still account for a high number of arrests. According to the ACLU’s latest data, marijuana arrests now account for over half of all drug arrests in the United States.

The Washington Post explicates that, in 2016, more people were arrested for marijuana possession than for all crimes the FBI classifies as violent.
Over the past few years, 85-90% of all drug arrests involved simple drug possession offenses.
Small-time marijuana possession arrests accounted for around 40%.
That means, out of 1.5 million drug arrests last year, approximately 1.3 million of them were related to marijuana.
Not everyone is as lucky as Brittney Griner, to be a celebrity that Time magazine, Joe Biden, and other celebs can rally around to perform the latest episode of Woke Virtue Signaling Theatre.
Most people are poor and unknown.
However, they’re also ostensibly more easily helped because they’re in this country.
Joe Biden needs to do what he, and Obama, and Clinton, all promised to do, and release non-violent prisoners in jail for simple marijuana possession.
If you want to virtue signal, first you need to display some actual virtue to signal.