Nahant Marsh Fall Festival Slated for October 7
Visit Nahant Marsh for a day filled with fun, friends, family, and fundraising as they celebrate the fall season on October 7!
Games, educational activities, and presentations throughout the day are sure to keep you and your loved ones occupied until the fish fry accompanied by LIVE music from The Tailfins to finish up the evening!
Presentations include:
-Joe Wiegand as the world’s premiere Theodore Roosevelt reprisor.
-The RARE Group with a LIVE raptor presentation.
-Denny Weiss with a presentation on the unique aquatic life he encounters as a commercial fisherman on the Mississippi River. Denny will also be facilitating the fish fry, utilizing fish he caught himself!
Registration is NOT required, but is appreciated.
More details & Sign-up: NAHANT MARSH FALL FESTIVAL
A big THANK YOU to Baird: Davenport Branch & Pribyl Group for making this event possible!