Painting Parties, Cake At RIBCO, Spicy Comedy And More In This Week’s FUN10!
It’s Sunday, and proudly presents Fun10, a list of the top 10 things to do in the Quad Cities this week, and every week!
Every Sunday, we drop a new Fun10, to give you a head start on your week and a heads up on what’s going on over the coming seven days. Check out Fun10 every Sunday for the details on ten awesome events happening around town. It’s a cool read, and a great way to get started planning your entertainment for the week.
FUN10 — ten ways for you to have fun in the Quad-Cities, this week and every week, running every Sunday, only on your site for fun, free, local entertainment,!
So what’s on the Fun10 for this week? Read on …
Get Your Brushes Ready For A Paint Party At The Quarry
Looking to express your creative spirit in paint?
Today, there’s a Paint Party from 6 to 8 p.m. at The Quarry, 3557 Middle Rd, Bettendorf!
Here are the deets:
Monsters Popping Up In The Quad-Cities Next Weekend
A new event, the Pop-Up Horror Market, presented by Midwest Monster Fest, is skulking into town next weekend!

Music Guild Youth Chorus Singing In The Spring
The Quad-City Music Guild Youth Chorus will perform their spring concert Saturday, May 22nd, at 2:00pm at the Music Guild Theater.
Under the direction of Valeree Pieper, Moline and accompanied by Randin Letendre, also of Moline, the Youth Chorus will present a program entitled Songs of the (QCMG) Season, which features selections from some of Music Guild’s past productions, such as Singin’ in the Rain and Oliver as well as the upcoming summer productions of Monty Python’s Spamalot, Mamma Mia and Matilda. The songs include Singin’ In the Rain, Consider Yourself, Comedy Tonight, Take a Chance on Me, and Anything You Can Do I Can Do.
Quad-City Music Guild is pleased to continue the youth chorus concert series and adding the programs to its regular schedule of events at the theater. The chorus was created with the goal of bringing new young people and their families into Quad City Music Guild. With the chorus in place, the Guild is providing an opportunity for the youth to become familiar with Broadway style music, learn about our theater, and provide an opportunity to perform in front of a live audience.
It is our hope those involved will see Music Guild as an avenue to assist in the development of their talents, learn to sing within a quality vocal group, and provide an experience that is both rewarding and demonstrates the benefits of participating as a volunteer within their community.
Tickets for the concert are $10 for adults and $5 for children, 12 and under, and may be reserved on-line at, by calling the QCMG Box Office at 309-762-6610 and at the door the day of the concert.
Bettendorf Public Library Program Explores Quad-Cities’ Roots

Spectra Is Back At Rozz Tox
Join us at our natural home, Rozz-Tox, 2108 3rd Ave., Rock Island, on May 22 at 7:30pm for a beautiful and much-anticipated live reading!
Davenport Public Library Hosting ‘Iowa’s Communal Utopia’
The Davenport Public Library is pleased to partner with the Hoover Museum and Presidential Library for this live webinar! Join us Thursday, May 20th at 6:00 pm for “Iowa’s Communal Utopia’s” with Peter Hoehnle. To register, please visit
This virtual presentation offers a sweeping overview of different attempts by Iowans to create their own form of utopia, beginning featuring the Iowa Pioneer Phalanx, Salburia, the Amana Colonies, the Icarian Communities, the Clydesdale Colony, Communia, and many more. This talk will provide some details about specific communal groups and a general overview of different communal movements in American history and how they influenced community builders on the Iowa frontier, and beyond.
Keep up with our virtual programming on our Virtual Branch Calendar of Events at
This event is FREE and open to the public. For more information visit or call the library at (563) 326-7832.
Have A Slice Of Cake At RIBCO
Like Cake?
The band, not the bakery item. Well, ok, you can like the bakery item too, but this event is more about the music.
Late Night Comedy Shows Return To Black Box Theater
G.I.T. Improv and The Black Box Theatre of the Quad Cities are excited to announce the long-awaited return of the The Late Nite Shows – a popular line-up of original, uncensored comedy performances – to The Black Box Theatre stage, located at 1623 5th Avenue in downtown Moline, beginning Saturday, May 22nd at 7:30PM.
“To say we are more-than-ready to get back on stage and make the Quad Cities laugh again would be a massive understatement,” said Jeff Adamson, owner of G.I.T Improv. “We have maintained great communication with the Black Box over the past year and are approaching these shows with a renewed vigor and passion to continue providing quality improv entertainment for the area.”
The Late Nite Shows will make their Black Box return with its longest-running show, Wisenheimer (now in it’s 10th year!), alongside an audience-favorite short form show, It’s Your Fault. “Wisenheimer started what would become The Late Nite Shows all the way back in December of 2011, and has since gone on to develop a solid reputation internationally as a long form improv troupe,” said Adamson, who co-founded G.I.T. Improv in 1997 alongside fellow improv performers. “It’s Your Fault is an engaging and fun short form improv show as the audience has 100% control! All the games played, all the suggestions, and even the performers are all at the whim of whatever the audience decides.”
Lora Adams, co-owner of The Black Box Theatre, is excited to renew a fun partnership which brings a proven comedy entity to her venue on a routine basis. “These shows had such momentum heading into 2020 and were selling out on a regular basis,” said Adams. “We know it will take time as everyone feels comfortable venturing back out to see live theatre, and we are more than happy to continue to provide unique offerings at our venue.” In addition to their mainstage shows and now improv comedy, the Black Box has built a reputation for variety by staging everything from radio plays and concerts to live podcast recordings. Adams continued, “Our first priority remains providing a safe, socially-distanced venue for our patrons to enjoy our performances.” With that in mind, the Black Box continues to follow safety protocols and will require masks for all patrons attending shows as well as having ⅔ capacity seating.
The entire suite of uncensored shows – including such favorites as 309, Survivor, and Shakespeared! – will all return on a monthly basis over select weekends as the Quad Cities theatre scene begins to reopen. In addition to the well-known shows, space is being given for new comedy shows to debut as well. “We love having this venue as not just a showcase space, but also as an incubator of sorts,” said Adamson. “Many of our performers utilized the time on our hands this past year brainstorming numerous fun and innovative ideas for new shows to debut whenever our local stages would start to reopen – and we’re excited to get them up-and-running.”
Different uncensored shows are paired together on Saturday nights to give audiences two unique comedy experiences. Admission to all shows is $10 with tickets available at the door or online at
Live On Tuesday Night, It’s Trivia Night Live!
Trivia Night Live is rolling into The Tangled Wood in Bettendorf every Tuesday at 7 p.m.!
It’s Free To Play, with up to eight people per team playing in various categories.
What is Trivia Night Live?
Trivia Night Live is a live interactive team trivia game played at your favorite restaurants and bars. The game consists of four rounds of questions of increasing difficulty and point values. Categories range from current events, history, geography, science, sports, and more….
Trivia Night Live is free to play, and you can have up to 8 members on a team.
Prizes are awarded for the winner of the 1st half and the overall winners win a $25 gift card for 1st Place, $10 for 2nd Place (cannot be used the same night).
We ask a question, and then play a song. Your team has the duration of that song to turn in your answer. No cell phones. web devices or smart watches can be used, just the useless trivial knowledge contained between your ears.
presented by Think & Drink Entertainment.
Bootleg Hill Open Mic Every Thursday
Looking for a spot to showcase your talents?
How about the Bootleg Hill open mic night?
The musical open mic night is back. Happening weekly at Bootleg Hill Honey Meads in downtown Davenport. All are welcome. Hosted by Dan Fennesy and starts at 8 p.m.