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2xtreme Monster Truck Show Drives Into East Moline July 22

The 3rd annual East Moline 2xtreme Monster Truck Show hits the dirt July 22 at 7pm!

Where else can you ride around in a real Monster Truck?! The answer is no where but East Moline’s Rock Island County Fairgrounds!

2xtreme Monster Truck Show Drives Into East Moline July 22

Come out and enjoy the best family friendly event at the lowest cost around:

A family 4-pack general admission starts at just $65 total with an upgrade option to an All Inclusive package available.

Watch 2-time Monster Jam world champion “Bounty Hunter” battle it out against 8 year army veteran “Scarlet Bandit”,  the debut of the all new 2xtreme Monster Truck “BRUTAL” and much more!

Come out at 5:00PM to enjoy the hour and a half Pre-show Pit Party. Meet the drivers, take pictures and get autographs up close and personal with these 10000 pound machines!!

Get kids involved by bringing your power wheels to compete in a mid show race for the chance to win a t-shirt!

Get your tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/east-moline-illinois-2xtreme-monster-trucks-tickets-356778121967?aff=efbeventtix&fs=e&s=cl

2xtreme Monster Truck Show Drives Into East Moline July 22

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