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Skellington Opening Up Its Asylum To New Occupants This Month


For conspiracy theorists, there may be fewer things scarier than a masonic temple, but imagine just how pants-pooping freaked out those folks would be about The Asylum?

The frightfest haunted house pulls out its blades again beginning this weekend at the site of the old masonic temple, Skellington Manor, 420 18th St., Rock Island.

Hours are: Friday and Saturday 7 p.m. to midnight, Sunday 7 to 10 p.m. through Oct. 30. Tickets (general admission $15, VIP pass $20) are available at the door or online.

The Asylum is a walk through immersive haunted attraction with over four floors of highly detailed scenes, quality live actors, jaw dropping special effects and documented paranormal activity. Your haunt experience starts as soon as you walk in this historic former Masonic Temple.

The spacious indoor wait area will keep you entertained rain or shine. The owners appreciate your business and want you to have fun. This haunt spans multiple floors. They recommend you dress appropriately and wear comfortable shoes that stay on your feet. (It’s not easy to run for your life in flip flops or high heels!) No Refunds.

The haunt is not recommended for small children (Parents use your own discretion). Bring your kids to Scaredy Cat Day on October 29th from 1-4pm, as it’s a reat time to see the Manor in the light without all the special effects or scary actors.

A portion of all events we have at the Manor go to fund our Water4Life project. the haunt actors are on a mission to entertain you and give back to our global mission of providing water to families in need in Kenya Africa. For more info about our Pay it Forward Foundation and Creeps That Care, Inc. see our website at www.skellingtonmanor.com.

Skellington Opening Up Its Asylum To New Occupants This Month

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Sean Leary Director of Digital Media

Sean Leary is an author, director, artist, musician, producer and entrepreneur who has been writing professionally since debuting at age 11 in the pages of the Comics Buyers Guide. An honors graduate of the University of Southern California masters program, he has written over 50 books including the best-sellers The Arimathean, Every Number is Lucky to Someone and We Are All Characters.

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