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QCTW’s ‘The Inheritors’ Is An Amazing Experience

inheritors 2The Quad City Theatre Workshop is home to some of the most amazing local actors I have come across and a wonderful theater area and experience and that amazing experience is embodied in their latest show, “The Inheritors.”

From the cozy seating area that places you practically within the set, to the people involved, one finds themselves completely submerged in their world. There is real feeling in every player. I felt every character in this play because their connection with their parts were so intense. I was humbled by this amazing performance. I was captivated and stunned by the impact of the play on me personally.

I went to see the opening night of the play, written by Susan Glaspell, who hails from Davenport, and adapted by Aaron Randolph III. I was eager to see what the late local playwright had come up with. This play is very special because it sheds light upon the issues of equality, education, money and power. These are still relevant as much today as they were back in 1921 when this play was written.

I must give “props” to Emma Brutman for the scenic and props designing for this play. One truly feels inside the story when they merely step foot into this theatre. I loved everything about the set. There were wooden tables and a beautiful set of bookshelves that were stacked honestly with real books. There was a globe that I noticed on a shelf as well as a folded American Flag. Across the room hung a picture of the founder of the story-born Morton College above a manifesto of great compassion and dedication to keeping the ethical roots that Silas Morton planted originally when he donated the hill of land to build a place of learning and give hope to the future of the people…ALL of the people.

My favorite of all was the fair granddaughter of Silas Morton, Madeline. She was played by the beautiful and talented Jessica Denney. As Madeline she is a heroine worthy of the term. She was a radical beauty with spunk and she stood for what she believed in. From the beginning to the end, she is an incredible woman and I admire her.

She is a funny, headstrong girl with fire in her eyes and power in her punch. She comes from a family of whose roots deeply value both education and kindness to those of foreign lands. There are those in her family who, like her, value their morals and are ethical naturally. They wish to aid the hopeful strangers who come to this country seeking sanctuary and dream of safe futures for their descendants as well as opportunity that could only be found in America.

The Quad City Theatre Workshop is at 1730 Wilkes Avenue in Daventport, Iowa and lies just a mere minute or two up the street from the Putnam museum. The Inheritors will be showing on weekends through September 4. You can find more information at www.Facebook.com/qctheatreworkshop  and check out their website at www.QCTheatreWorkshop.org.

QCTW’s ‘The Inheritors’ Is An Amazing Experience

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Amanda Jo Payne read her first novel by age 5 and began writing plays and poetry at age 11, when she received her first typewriter from her mother. A love for putting words together pushed her into higher education and she obtained her Board of Trustees BA from Western Illinois University in 2008. As a mother of three and a grandmother of four, she spends most of her time reading and taking care of her family.

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