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Pokeballs Getting Harry With Potter-Themed Show

pokeballs twoThe Pokeballs are about to get Harry.

And if you want to get your wand atwitter, don’t Hermione your own business, use your sorting hat to make sure your plans for Saturday night include you slytherin over to the Speakeasy, 1828 3rd Ave., Rock Island, because I dumble-dare you to ravenclaw your way to Show Us Your Pokeballs new Harry Potter-themed show at 8 p.m.

Tickets are $10 in advance or $12 at the door and you can make them magically appear ahead of time by calling 786-7733, ext. 2.

So what made the idea of a Harry Potter-themed show magically appear in the heads of Pokeballs organizers, hosts and founders Joshua Kahn and Nikki Gillette?

“When Josh and I sat down to plan out the themes of our shows for the year, we both knew Harry Potter was a well-loved fandom (so) we couldn’t NOT include it in our lineup,” Gillette said. “Besides, Harry’s birthday is July 31, so it’s only right we make the July show all about him!”

What will appear before our eyes if we do ride our broomsticks down there?

“You can expect to see comedy (obviously),” Gillette said. “We love showcasing area talent and giving comedians a chance and challenge to come up with material geared towards a `nerdy’ audience. There will also be, as with every Speakeasy show we do, sketch comedy antics between myself and Josh that revolve around the Harry Potter theme.”

With teleporting between a bunch of different events and conventions, this summer would’ve taxed the endurance of a Gryffindor for the SUYP crew, but they’re up for this like a game of quiddich.

“Challenge-wise July has been a super busy month for SUYP, so just making sure all the ducks were in a row while trying not to get overwhelmed was my personal challenge!” Gillette said. “I’m a HUGE Harry Potter fan, as is Josh, so we’re just both really excited to play with a fandom both of us know a lot about and love.”

Looking into their crystal ball, what do they see for their show?

pokeballs one“SUYP will be two years old this Valentine’s Day, and we keep finding new ways to entertain and expand,” Gillette said.

“We are growing, and naturally in our first year we’ve had our bumps, but I can only see us going on the up and up, especially in the convention scene. Well…at least I hope it goes that way. It would suck if it failed epically.”

But with enough hard work, they’re hoping that talk of failure is just a bunch of hufflepuff.

“As for future plans, I’m trying to make sure we have one big thing going on each month to promote,” she added. “Whether it’s a convention or road show gig, private party, or Speakeasy show. I don’t want my traveling comedians to end up overwhelmed when a lot of them are involved in other things (myself included) but I want us to remain an active and visible presence, and become a well-known show locally.”

I don’t think she’s Just Kidding, so avoid the deadly hollows of boredom this weekend and wingardium leviosa on down to the show . . .

Pokeballs Getting Harry With Potter-Themed Show

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Sean Leary Director of Digital Media

Sean Leary is an author, director, artist, musician, producer and entrepreneur who has been writing professionally since debuting at age 11 in the pages of the Comics Buyers Guide. An honors graduate of the University of Southern California masters program, he has written over 50 books including the best-sellers The Arimathean, Every Number is Lucky to Someone and We Are All Characters.

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