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Pete’s Grand Plan – The Musical Provides Entertainment for All!

Pete the Purple Bull is excited to announce the debut of his first original musical, Pete’s Grand Plan – an event filled with upbeat, lively music, dancing and laugh-out-loud scenes!

Pete’s Grand Plan – The Musical debuts Saturday Nov 3 at the North High School Auditorium (626 W 53rd St. Davenport) at 2 p.m.Pete’s Grand Plan – The Musical Provides Entertainment for All!

Pete’s musical is based on Pete’s first children’s book entitled Pete’s Grand Plan. The book was written by Kim Riley-Quinn, a school social worker and private therapist and illustrated by local artist, Austin Robertson. Both the musical and the book are designed to provide a fun, interactive experience for children and families that promotes a bully-free environment and the importance of personal self-care.

The musical is directed by Mandy Collins and is a collaborative effort between a talented group of Quad Citizens that includes Juan Valtierra, Victoria Viren, Kellen Meyers, Bibek Adhikari, Jordan Atwater, John Viren and many others, all of whom believe full-heartedly in the power of kindness.

How would you like a chance to meet Pete? Sunday Nov 4 at 1:30 p.m. children and parents will have a special opportunity to eat lunch with Pete the Purple Bull and his Harmony Farm friends. Miss Iowa, Mikhayla Hughes-Shaw, will also join the fun! The luncheon will feature pizza and ice cream, two of Pete’s favorite foods. There will also be picture opportunities and other activities. The musical will follow at 3 p.m.

Musical tickets in advance (for both showings) are $5.50 for children 11 and under and $12.50 for adults/children 12 and over. At the door, the tickets will be $7 for children 11 and under and $15 for children/adults 12 and over. Luncheon tickets are $8 for both children and adults.

Purchase your tickets online at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/petes-grand-plan-the-musical-tickets-50567787614. If you would like to purchase advance tickets with cash or check, contact Juan at (309) 749-5667. Remaining tickets will be available at the door.

For more information, visit http://www.petethepurplebull.org/musical.php. Pete’s Grand Plan – The Musical is a part of QC United and Pete the Purple Bull’s Kindness Rocks Campaign for the month of October, which is Bullying Prevention Month.

This is a “must see” show for children and their families! You’ll leave with new tunes stuck in your head and some strategies to address bullying.

Pete’s Grand Plan – The Musical Provides Entertainment for All!

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Tess Abney was born and raised in the Quad Cities. Her passion for writing and entertainment was apparent at a very young age. Whether it is sharing local events and businesses with readers or sharing her thoughts on life, she finds comfort in the way words can bring people together.

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