  Friday - March 21st, 2025

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ONE Musicfest Hosts Netflix Party

ONE Musicfest is calling our community together to continue spreading our message of Unity Through Music! Quarantine can’t keep us from virtually vibing with our folks over movies!ONE Musicfest Hosts Netflix Party

Vote for the movie you’d like us to watch from the choices below. Voting ends on Thursday at 5 p.m.! We’ll send a link to the email you used to RSVP 30 minutes before the show!


Viewer Instructions:

  • Download the Netflix Party extension for Google Chrome here: https://www.netflixparty.com/
  • Click the watch link in the email from ONE Musicfest you receive on Thursday and click the red NP icon in the top of your browser to join the party!


*ONLY available on Chrome browsers on desktop or laptop computers. Does NOT work on cell phone browsers.


The voting booth is now open for this week’s movie selection! The theme this week is COMEDY! Vote for ONE of the choices below. Whichever one gets the most votes… we watch!

  1. Dave Chapelle: Sticks & Stones
  2. Eddie Murphy: Delirious
  3. Katt Williams: Great America
  4. Kevin Hart: Irresponsible
  5. Chris Rock: Tamborine


Go to www.onewatchparty.eventbrite.com to vote!


See you at the Movies this Thursday at 7:30!

ONE Musicfest Hosts Netflix Party

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Tess Abney was born and raised in the Quad Cities. Her passion for writing and entertainment was apparent at a very young age. Whether it is sharing local events and businesses with readers or sharing her thoughts on life, she finds comfort in the way words can bring people together.

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