  Sunday - March 16th, 2025

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Music on the Lawn Goes Virtual

Summer at Deere-Wiman House always means great performances at their Music on the Lawn concerts series.Music on the Lawn Goes Virtual

This year, they’re still inviting Quad Cities daycare providers and local families to enjoy high energy, family-oriented concerts, but with a fresh twist to accommodate social distancing guidelines. We’re launching the Deere Family Homes YouTube Channel.

Use this link to view the concert:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_fE8Yu73pde2VPtzJ8tUQ.

On June 10th, the Butterworth Center and Deere-Wiman House welcome their first featured musical guest, Amy Lowe. For an entire month, you can watch Amy perform—and even sing and dance along—as many times as you like! Enjoy Amy and her music June 10 through July 7.


For more fun things to do in the Quad Cities this week, check out the latest issue of FUN10QC.

Music on the Lawn Goes Virtual

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Tess Abney was born and raised in the Quad Cities. Her passion for writing and entertainment was apparent at a very young age. Whether it is sharing local events and businesses with readers or sharing her thoughts on life, she finds comfort in the way words can bring people together.

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