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MidCoast Fine Arts’ Riverssance Festival of Fine Arts Returns to the Quad Cities

MidCoast Fine Arts’ Riverssance Festival of Fine Art returns to the Quad Cities this Saturday Sep 21 from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Sunday Sep 22 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. in Lindsay Park (Village of East Davenport).

Entry is only $4 for adults (or $6 for a weekend pass). Children and the first 260 students with a school ID receive free admission!MidCoast Fine Arts’ Riverssance Festival of Fine Arts Returns to the Quad Cities

The 32nd Riverssance Festival of Fine Arts will have over ninety artist’s booths, including many new exhibitors. Stroll, shop, enjoy wine tasting with Tabor Home Winery and artist-painted wine glasses. There are great food options from Lagomarcino’s, Streets of Italy Wood Fired Pizza and Pete’s Concessions. A Children’s Activity tent is available, staffed by volunteers from Rivermont Collegiate. Local musicians performing include: (Saturday) Whoozdads, Barley House Band, and David G. Smith; (Sunday) Lojo Russo, Songbird Quartet, and Lewis Knudsen.

New this year, a series of artists will be demonstrating their work in or near the food tent. At time of print, the line-up is: (Saturday) collaborative sculpture by Steve Banks, Heidi Hernandez and Terry Rathje; ceramics with Carolyn Krueger; (Sunday) dinosaur drawing by Josh Malone; printing with Karen Blomme, hotwire Styrofoam sculpture by David Schaeffer.

Riverssance is known through­out the Midwest for its high qual­ity fine art, beautiful outdoor setting and its unique blend of delight­ful enter­tain­ment and deli­cious food & wine.  The Riverssance Festival is MidCoast Fine Arts primary fundraiser and is the means by which we work on keep­ing the arts in the Quad Cities.

For more information, visit https://www.midcoast.org/riverssance.


MidCoast Fine Arts’ Riverssance Festival of Fine Arts Returns to the Quad Cities

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Tess Abney was born and raised in the Quad Cities. Her passion for writing and entertainment was apparent at a very young age. Whether it is sharing local events and businesses with readers or sharing her thoughts on life, she finds comfort in the way words can bring people together.

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