  Wednesday - March 26th, 2025

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Mercado Virtual Storytime with Rosi

Mercado on Fifth misses their Mercado Familia and has been thinking of ways to connect with all of them virtually! One way they have found to achieve this, is by creating a series of events online until everyone can be together again. Enjoy cooking videos, live music and more story-times!Mercado Virtual Storytime with Rosi

Experience “Story Time With Rosi” this Friday Apr 24 at 2 p.m. on Facebook. Rosalva Portillo will share favorite children’s books, in Spanish and English.

Rosalva, a Quad Cities native, is the principal at Lincoln Irving Elementary School, one of the few dual language schools in the Quad Cities. Her educational journey began in high school when she worked as an ESL tutor and interpreter for her parents, the late Jesus and Audelia Gonzalez. From 1998 – 2007, she taught in the bilingual program at East Moline School District 37; then in 2007, she joined the Moline – Coal Valley School District 40 bilingual team. Before becoming the principal of Lincoln Irving in 2019, Rosalva served as the Director of English Learner Services for East Moline School District 37 for 5 years (2014-2019).

Rosalva is highly involved with LULAC 5285, Moline as she has been the Education Chair for the last 3 years. She lives in Moline with her husband, Ruben Portillo, and their 4 children: Luis, Diego, Jessamyn, and Ema. Mercado is also proud to have her serve on their Board of Directors.

Tune in Friday Apr 24 at 2 p.m.!

Mercado Virtual Storytime with Rosi

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Tess Abney was born and raised in the Quad Cities. Her passion for writing and entertainment was apparent at a very young age. Whether it is sharing local events and businesses with readers or sharing her thoughts on life, she finds comfort in the way words can bring people together.

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